[b]Day 0[/b] Beast was hunting in the forest as usual. He was in his wolf form. His victim was a deer. He enjoyed his life. His dinner was too close to him. But then he saw something strange. He was near the city, and over the city was a lot of some strange objects. Some starships or something like this. He wanted to change his form to a bird and fly over the ships, but then everything become so bright. The ships attacked the city. Beast heard everywhere screams of dying people, but he couldn't help them. He had to escape this area. [b]Now[/b] Beast just arrived to the town. The only town in this area controled by supernaturals. Actually it is safe area. Of course not for long, but Beast want to help in defence. He is in his human form of course. Conversation isn't his bright side, but he must find someone, who will tell him where he will be helpful.