Moe glanced at her watch again, internally groaning as she saw it was time to leave. She'd rather stay in the house a bit longer and investigate more into the instruments she'd filled the house with. She didn't even know what some where, but she was excited to learn anyways. She was most excited about the small collection of didgeridoos mounted on the wall in the living room. "Alas, I'll just go for as long as I need to, then come straight back." She muttered, pulling on her backpack as she went to retrieve the map, heading out the door. She noticed others on the sidewalks, but kept her head down, staring at the map as she briskly walked to the hall. Looking up at it, it seemed old, but in a way that it was meant to look old, like a house from a historic village. It was plain red brick, concrete steps leading up to an ornate wooden door. Various Windows were set into it, and there was a sign beside the door boasting "Hillyer Hall." "Simple. Alright." Moe took the stairs two at a time, swinging the door open and stepping inside, which didn't surprise her at all. It looked like an underfunded public school's gymnasium set up for a pta meeting. Plastic chairs were strewn about the single room, fold out tables covered in snack foods and juices placed around. There were two doors on the other side, presumably to the bathroom and basement. As Moe stepped further into the hall, she saw the very far side boasted a fairly impressive stage with curtains and even a fancy light setting. Raising a brow, she moved to it, using one hand to let herself jump and sit onto the hardwood. As more people filtered into the room, Moe stared down at her map, not really paying attention to them. "Odd sort of place, this is." She said, wondering if this was a good idea. At least the money was good.