Jack was gone so it was just the two of them. The Doctor was going retort to the Master's statement when the other time Lord did confirm Martha's death. Hearing the news got the Doctor's eyes to widen, a stinging feeling slowly enveloping his hearts [i]'Martha.... dead? ...'[/i] it hurt, it truly did hurt. But what his enemy said next caused the Doctor's hurt filled eyes to narrow into a glare "Don't you dare bring her name into this again, Rose is safe. Out of your grasp. That is all I can truly ask for. I know even if you were to attempt to get a hold of her, you'd have the other form 'me' to deal with as well" hearing the Master's laugh the Doctor took a step back making sure he had both weapons firmly tucked away in his suit jacket before making a taunt toward the Master. With the Master attempting to shove him the Doctor managed to hold his ground and use his arms to block any coming attacks from the Master "I suppose I am similar to you, Master. I don't break easily. But as long as my other friends are out of your grasp I know I won't ever fall emotionally to your treacherous ways" the Time Lord didn't attack back he remained in a defensive position to block and evade the punches and other attacks thrown at him. But he didn't strike, he didn't want to hurt the Master, he'd never wanted to hurt the Master only help him. It was just how he was, who he was. He chose his title for a reason and had thus far proven to uphold it. Hearing the Master question him about his hope the Doctor could only smirk "It just boils your blood that I hold such hope in my friends, doesn't it? Well here is a secret, Master" he blocked another attack "I've felt what love is, I know what it feels like and its that same feeling that keeps me going" he placed his hand on the Master's shoulders keeping the man from attacking him for a moment "I don't expect things to go back to the way they were, those drums in your head have only gotten worse. There is no fixing it" with that he hadn't been able to block the attack when the Master kneed him in the stomach. A slight wince showed in the Doctor's face due to the impact of the kneeing to his gut, that had caught him off guard enough for the Master to take him to the ground. With a wince the Doctor clenched his teeth and fought to keep the Master away from the weapons "Not a chance, Master!" what happened next caused the Doctor to freeze in his moments as he saw the Master grab his own head and yell in what seemed to be agony. The Doctor managed to get up and away from the Master "Master.." the Doctor was no longer angry but he was cautious. Even if he didn't admit it to himself. The Doctor still cared about the Time Lord that was in pain. "There has to be a way to get the drumming to stop..." the Doctor's eyes moved to the Master's neck, taking this moment to his advantage as he neared and prepared himself. Within seconds he struck the muscles in the Master's neck with his index and middle finger which would disable and in a sense knock the Master out into a semi-gentle slumber. The Doctor catching the Master's falling body into his arms. To his shock he heard the wheeze and huff of the TARDIS before his very eyes his beautiful blue police box materialized before the two Time Lords. The door opening and the handsome face of Captain Jack Harkness peeked out, he looked to the Doctor as a smirk formed upon his lips "I came to help but ... wow Doc. I wasn't expecting that." moving over Jack took the Master and was about to toss him aside but the Doctor shook his head. "No, he's coming with us" "... you've got to be kidding me Doc" "bring him along" with that all three were taken into the TARDIS the police box disappearing.