[quote=Wind Wild] I think this needs a reboot or something. For all I know, we're the only 3 people still doing something about this. Slade, Mika, Yoshu and Cela are gone and I suppose so are many others. I know some people say they might return but God knows when that will be. I feel awkward with us 3 being the only people posting. Anyone want to GM or Co-GM a reboot? [/quote] I would offer to GM but I'm already struggling to GM another rp right now. So it won't make much sense for me to take on more, sadly. Not to mention I've already offered to help co-GM another rp, too many and the fact my net is still down wouldn't make it easy. The only bad thing is... The plans for Emmet and all the work I've done is something I would still like to play out as a Plotline. The bad part, I've not heard much from any of those in charge to complete the idea or if it was alright sadly which pins me down for the most part. Maybe this was a bad time to do this with so many busy and RL baring down on most of us. Even player who I've known to be reliable have been vanishing off and on lately, a fact that worries slightly as it starts to affect my other rp connections with them. I can try to help the best I can if someone else takes up the reins but I sadly can't at this moment. *sigh*