[b]"Stuck? Stiff upper lip, there's a good boy."[/b] Simon's voice awoke him from the momentary nap. It had probably only been a few minutes, but it didn't take long for him to fall asleep in the sun. It wasn't anything special, it was just that the warm feeling, even through clothing, was kinda uncommon for him. He stayed inside almost constantly, and usually only went out at night, if he did at all. He had met the guy last year. He was one of those cheerful people that everyone knows, no matter how reclusive they are. The 'big brother' in any sense. Most schools he had known had one. Eventually Simon found the exposed skin, tugging down his sleeve to cover his wrist. Just as it was the first to freeze, it was the first to thaw as well. [b]"You should try sweaters, something a little more formfitting so it doesn't shift all the time."[/b] He let go of the handle and flexed his fingers, still not able to move his torso yet. It took slightly longer to thaw out than to freeze. [b]"Zarahk, you met John before? You two are in the same class aren't you?"[/b] Where had he heard that name before? It seemed demanding of a face... someone prominent. Who.... As soon as he was able, he turned his head. It was a spider human cross, recognition sparking. [b]"Yeah, I've seen you in class before. What's up? How are you liking this first day?"[/b] That voice was definitely familiar. [b]"I remember you, you were that womanizer from the year before!"[/b] Part of John's mind found that to be a poor opening phrase to someone after a year, but his mouth didn't particularly care for tact. [b]"It is pretty warm out, perfect for sleeping... but I do enough of that. Glad we could both make it in for this year."[/b] Even now, the spiders attention wasn't fully on him. [b]"Maybe we could wingman some time. Preferably inside or at night though, you understand."[/b] John smiled, glancing at Simon. [b]"Sweaters? Sounds like a good idea, but I find it hard to find anything my size, takes beasts like you two to even look me in the eye."[/b]