[b]Jack Nictos[/b] [img=http://fc00.deviantart.net/fs71/i/2013/322/8/0/a_sword_without_a_sheath_by_artgerm-d6uouf2.jpg] Age: 24 Found Game By: Original SAO player and wanted to get one over on the game. Class: Swordsage Weapons of Choice: Sword and magic Skill 1: One-Handed Sword Skill 2: Magic Use Skill 3: Light Armour Personality: Very silent, but has an excellent sense of humour. When he does choose to speak, it is usually something important, whether orders in battle, warm words of comfort to a faltering friend, or a well-timed joke to lift the mood. On the battlefield, he is always right at the forefront of the fight, tearing through his enemies like a man possessed. It is obvious that SAO has left its mark on him, but also evident that playing FB is his way of getting closure, so that he can beat the game and put it behind him. Notes: Has trained in sword combat from a very young age, and always had a love for stories of magic. Now, with the two put together, he finally has a chance to put into practice all the tricks and tactics he spent much of his spare time imagining. This gives him a surprising range of ready-to-implement options he can pull out of his memory at the drop of a hat.