[u]Miri (Featuring Gabriel and Gwendy)[/u] Looking from her friend to her new male companion, Miri took a big breather and tried to calm herself. [b]"Look, I don't have an ailment, I'm not cursed...well, uhhmmm...I'm just a succubus, there's no two ways about it."[/b] Thinking about it for a moment, pouted a little bit, [b]"Sorry, angel boy, for attacking you earlier in order to try and steal your sweet, sweet man candy....I won't attack you next time, I swear."[/b] Saying this, she laughed a little awkwardly, which made her breasts jiggle in her shirt. Gwendy shrugged, before reaching down and grabbing the cup from her friend's hand and chugging the contents. [u]Andrej (Featuring Kuro)[/u] [b]"I won't snap off the branches."[/b] Andrej wasn't about to do something so unseemly, at least he wouldn't when people were watching. Hearing the comment about his horns, he smirked a bit with pride, [b]"All of them are real. I would have offered to let you touch them, but, I..."[/b] With this, he tugged again. Still, only a few leaves fell loose. Letting out a sigh, he smiled at his new friend reassuringly, [b]"All the dragons from my clan have them, they're for using with water magic in order to predict the weather. As for that whale song...its--"[/b] Andrej let out a series of ghastly, high pitch moans, before stopping, [b]"by 'Gale', an orca who used to live in some sort of zoo or amusement park or something. Very sad, the song is about a lifetime in a prison before finally being released."[/b] Letting a moment of silence pass, he decide to ask his own question, full of sincerity, [b]"I'm curious, but why are you not with the other's of your club? I've seen a few performing before I got...'stuck'...I'm sure they'd be glad to have a talented singer join in with them."[/b]