Hey there folks. ^_^ So I've been looking to get into some more 1x1 RPs, and I decided to go ahead and make my own interest check. Now, before we get to the good stuff like pairings and stuff, I have to lay down some ground rules. I know, I know, it's boring reading rules. But I have to specify, otherwise if they are broken I'll lose interest and may stop replying, which is no fun for my partner. So then, without further ado, here are the rules. Rules: 1. No god modding or power playing. (Duh) 2. Please please be literate. I'm not going to sack an RP just because of a few misspelled words, but when every sentence has a plethora of grammar or punctuation mistakes, it's much harder to get into. This means, use proper punctuation and capitalizations, don't make run on sentences, and try to spell things correctly. I'll likely let you know if I see a mistake (not EVERY time, but only if it makes things confusing or less evocative) and I'd accept the same correction from my partner. 3. To support the above rule, I'm going to have to ask for a writing sample from anyone interested in RPing with me. Nothing long, just a paragraph or two. You can write anything you want, but try to make it express your writing style. 4. If you're going to drop the RP, please please please let me know. If you have any questions or concerns don't hesitate to ask me about them. I promise I won't get offended(unless that's what you're going for.) I just don't like waiting around for a reply that I don't know is going to come. 5. I generally only play male characters. I could be convinced otherwise, but it would have to be a good argument and a great RP idea. 6. I have no qualms with mature content, up to and including sexual content, violence, and gore. However, I don't do rape or anything really nasty like things with fecal matter or beastiality(anthros are acceptable in certain circumstances, you'd have to talk to me about it.) When you ask to RP, please inform me of your own preferences regarding this, as I am getting a bit tired of having to ask all the time. :P 7. I only do MxF, sorry. Not into MxM or FxF. 8.For Fandoms, I will probably almost always prefer OCs to canon characters. I like creating new plots and characters rather than just using old ones. 9. I prefer to use PMs to roleplay, though I can be convinced of using an outside messaging system if you prefer, depending on how easy it is to use. I don't normally do 1x1 in threads because of certain restrictions to content. 10. Finally, have fun. These RPs aren't supposed to be boring and static, they should change and grow and evolve with time. Use your imagination to create a wonderful story with me and we'll be great partners. ^_^ Okay, with that all out of the way (Phew!) I think we're ready to go onto the pairings. Without further ado, here they are. A "*" means I prefer this role. A "!" means I have a plot idea for the pairing. If there isn't a "*" in a pairing, it means I'm willing to play either role. If a pairing has been struck through, it is taken and therefore not open. [s]ElfxWerecreature[/s] [s]ElfxVampire[/s] *[s]ExperimentxHuman![/s] *[s]MutantxHuman[/s] [s]DragonxRider[/s] [s]DemonxVampire[/s] [s]Sorcerer(ess)xThief[/s] *[s]AssassinxBounty Hunter[/s] DryadxRanger/Woodsman* *[s]DjinnxHuman![/s] VampirexWerecreature *GolemxHuman! Fandoms [s]Harry Potter[/s] Avatar The Last Airbender Grimm [s]The Inheritance Sequence (Eragon)[/s] [s]Camp Half Blood (Percy Jackson and the Olympians)[/s] Elemental Gelade So, that's all I can think of for now. If I think of any more pairings or fandoms I'll be sure to add them. Feel free to suggest pairings and fandoms if you want and I'll take them into consideration. Looking forward to RPing with all you lovely ladies. ^_^ IMPORTANT NOTICE: Some people did not see the post at the end of this thread, so I'll restate this here. I AM CLOSING THIS THREAD. I'm sorry to anyone else who wanted to RP, but I've gotten so many requests already that I can't take anymore new ones or I'll start losing track and forgetting where I am with them, either that or I'll get too overwhelmed. So, thank you to everyone who has expressed interest and I wish luck to anyone still looking for an RP. Now that I've posted this notice in two places, I'm going to have to reject any more requests that I get. I'm sorry in advance if it happens to you, but I did post it here and at the bottom.