[center]It could be said with some certainty that this was the first morning where Oliver Selwyn didn't feel strange for waking up in this particular room. Alas, it seemed he may have finally started becoming used to the environment he now found himself in. It was with this sentiment that he rose from his bed, intentionally earlier than Michi or either of her brothers. After a quick shower, Oliver returned to his room, shut the door, and began preparing for the day. The sounds of the Ueda family stirring, both beneath his room in the restaurant and outside his door, became more evident as time went by. Oliver put on an undershirt, a light blue blazer, and a pair of skinny jeans before standing in front of the mirror and attempting to fight with his unkempt white hair. He was always one to attempt a presentable appearance, and it usually succeeded quite well. As he considered the mirror, his thoughts wandered towards the coming day. What would be in store for them at the Academy today? Would they have combat training again? Or would Professor Albarn decide for a less intensive lesson? What about Dr . Stein's class? Would his seemingly insane experiments cause someone to get sick again? In the back of his mind, Oliver hoped some sort of clue would be given as to when he and Michi would embark on their first mission. Walking past the bounty board every morning, knowing that people were claiming missions left and right without them, was rather frustrating. He and Michi were beyond ready, but they couldn't claim missions until they had been given their first one and were reviewed favorably by Lord Death. He had, of course, discussed this point with Michi over many a cup of tea on some nights. Usually she was difficult to get sitting still, but whenever he actually did manage to convince her, the talks they had were very interesting. She had a lot on her mind, just as he did, but neither of them seemed willing to let any of it out unless the fancy took them. Professor Albarn always told the class that the most important thing a weapon-meister pairing could do was talk. The more they conversed, the more they understood each other. The more they understood each other, the better their soul wavelengths worked together. Oliver, studious as always, did his best to take this advice to heart. Once Oliver was fully satisfied with how everything looked, he slung a plain black messenger bag across one of his shoulders and exited his room. Out in the hallway, the sounds of movement all around the building seeped through the walls. Michi's door was still closed, so Oliver stood patiently near the end of the corridor, waiting for her. Just another day of class stood ahead of them... or did it?[/center]