E3 is crap imo. It used to be good, but I only ever pay attention to is the list of games coming out and Gamestop's annual trade in credit bonus towards E3 games. Got a boat load of money on my trades last Friday because of that. [quote=Kidd] Yeah, they dropped the ball with their excuses--literally, just excuses--for not including playable female characters in Unity.[/quote]This is what I heard. Arno is the ONLY playable character period. If you do coop you will always be Arno no matter what. The people you are playing with will always be playing Arno no matter what. You will never be playing anyone but Arno. Player A is playing Arno but Player B, C, & D they see the coop stand in Assassins. Player B is playing Arno but Player A, C, & D they see the coop stand in Assassins. Player C is playing Arno but Player A, B, & D they see the coop stand in Assassins. Player D is playing Arno but Player A, B, & C they see the coop stand in Assassins. They could have made one of the coop stand in Assassins female but you wouldn't see yourself playing that female Assassin because you are playing Arno no matter what. I will not play coop. Last time I tried coop it was completely ruined by every other person being a whiny bitchy little kid. I just stood still for the entire time with my tv on mute, until every single one of the bitches left. If I wanted to listen to whiny bitchy little kids I would work in a day care center, have my own kids, or go anywhere those spawns of Satan congregated. Since I don't do any of that I refuse to allow them in my home even if it is only over the speaker of my tv.