Leonard's creator is [url=http://www.roleplayerguild.com/users/7876]DeadBeatWalking[/url] Alias Leech Secret ID Leonard Listers Nickname Lenny Age 17 Gender Male Nationality American (Irish-Italian) Physical Description Lenny is a fairly muscular youth of average height, with ruddy ginger hair, and barely-tanned skin. His dull green eyes offer a small amount of variety in his red hair and pale skin, being the only other color aside from his many freckles. His hair is shortly cropped, framing the top of his pointy face. He usually dresses in simple clothes, with a wardrobe filled with hoodies, t-shirts, and jeans. He has inherited his father's eyebrows and jawline, but none of his muscular build or height. While he doesn't scowl, his face usually stays halfway between confusion and anger, and he's been described by others as "Looking mean". Although he doesn't diet or regularly excercise, he enjoys lifting weights. General Personality Lenny is, if nothing else, a confused teenager from the ghetto. He believes there is good and bad in the world, successes and failures, and that the world operates on a spectrum of black and white. Ultimately, he doesn't know where he falls on this spectrum. Although he genuinely hopes to make the world a better place by helping others, his oft-hidden past holds reminders that he is not a wholly good person. He comes from a tougher neighborhood and carries it perfectly in his mannerisms, up to his walk, speech, and tastes. While he can be rude and short-tempered, this is generally only a product of his upbringing. He tends to avoid starting conflict, but is quick to end it. He rarely mentions his past. Sexual Orientation Straight Powers/Abilities Active Energy Absorption Lenny can absorb any type of energy through his palms, almost instantly. By grabbing a car, he can drain it of electric energy from its battery, kinetic energy from its movement, and thermal energy from the inner combustion. Bringing his hand into fire instantly puts it out, collecting the thermal energy. Grabbing hold of an engine removes electric energy, etc. Although electric, thermal, light, and kinetic energy are the only types he has ever actually absorbed, in theory, he can absorb nuclear energy. Passive Energy Absorption Lenny does not need to be touching a target to absorb its energy, but it is much faster when he is. Lenny can absorb energy in high doses without realising it, such as bullets fired at him not retaining enough kinetic energy to go through him, or absorbing the electricity from nearby cellphones in use. Lenny is technically constantly absorbing energy from the sun during the day as light energy, but this usually isn't enough to power anything exceptional. Active Energy Expulsion Energy that Lenny absorbs can be shot out from his palms, in the form of blasts or waves. The energy is a unique combination of whatever he has absorbed, taking the form of red concussive energy bolt that strikes targets in a physical manner, without burning or shocking them. He can charge these blasts, making them grow in size and strength, and increase in recoil. If Lenny charges a blast too much, the recoil can damage him. Although this power can technically be used to create walls, Lenny isn't tactful enough to have thought of that. Passive Energy Expulsion Lenny's stored energy can be released without firing his concussive blasts. Unlike his usual bright red bolts fired from his palms, this energy makes him glow red while it is active, and is emitted as a wave from his body. Considered more benign than his other powers, Lenny mainly uses this to charge batteries, fuel fires, and raise temperatures. Weaknesses Physical Attacks While cars and trains retain enough kinetic energy to be absorbed and stopped, fists, swords, and other melee weapons do not. Lenny's energy absorption has a threshold of sorts, only allowing him to absorb the kinetic energy of fast moving objects. While he can absorb the kinetic energy of a bullet, the inherit threshold would still allow it to keep a great deal of momentum and act more as a rubber bullet. In addition, all of Lenny's experience fighting is with his energy blasts, and so he is ill-suited for hand to hand combat. Environments Lenny has never left the city, and has thus been surrounded by potential batteries his entire life. Being in a forest, cave, or any other natural environment would essentially take him away from all power sources but the sun. Lenny's absorption of thermal energy can easily be negated by putting him in a cold enough environment where he needs to use his energy to heat himself to keep from freezing, or an environment cold enough where nothing is hot enough to be absorbed. Lastly, Lenny's kinetic absorption is for naught without fast enough objects -- Nothing slower than a train or car can be absorbed. Overcharge Lenny's intake of energy is finite, as is his output. Absorbing too much energy at once (For example, putting a forest fire out by absorbing thermal energy all at once) puts immense strain on his body. If this energy is not immediately discharged, it will forcefully remove itself from his body. The amount of recoil from such an event would likely break both of his arms, or blow them off entirely. At greater amounts of energy, this would kill him. The same rule goes for his blasts -- Charging a shot too much would hurt him. Fighting Style Although not formally trained in any martial arts or techniques, Lenny frequently uses an avoid-and-evade strategy. He chooses to end most of his battles quickly, by avoiding his enemy while absorbing energy from potential sources, waiting for them to tire or fault, and then firing whatever he's absorbed. Fighting robotic enemies is usually much easier, as he only needs to make physical contact to drain them of their electricity.