The creator of Avis is [url=]Kilo6[/url] [center][img=] Alias: Metzger Secret ID: Avis Kantor Nickname(s): Avy, Avis Age: 19 Gender: Female Nationality: Germany Physical Description: Avis is somewhat short, only standing at around 5'4, but is well proportioned in terms of her build, being slim yet fairly muscular. She has short cut messy black hair and sharp yellow eyes. Her appearance changes, however, when she uses her Titan ability, with new features appearing, resulting in her eyes becoming a bright, energetic blue, twin dog like ears sprouting from her head, and a long grey tipped furry tail. Her ears are tall and black with white fluff and her tail starts out thin and black but thickens towards the and as well as gets lighter till the tip is a silver color. General Personality: Avis is a straightforward, no nonsense girl that isn't afraid to state what she thinks and challenge other people's claims. She is generally a friendly, trusting person that takes on a "Fuck the world" personality, though not in the rebellious sense. She tends to have a skeptical mind, never taking this as they are with questioning everything her priority. Simply put, she just wants to get through her crazy life in the best way possible. Sexual Orientation: Straight as an arrow Powers/Abilities: :Non Power Related: -Physically inclined towards skills of free running, AKA good upper body strength, agility, and endurance- -Fairly smart, mainly in street/social skills but isn't willing to learn new unrelated things- -Knows physiology very well, thus knows where, when, and how to punch someone where it counts- :Titan Power: =ENERGY STASIS= She is able to generate and control a sort of solid state of electric energy. This power has altered her physical image, creating the new ears and tail and causing her eyes to glow a bright energetic blue. In her basic form, this can be used as a separate melee weapon of sorts or as a way to energize a punch, making the impact much more devastating than a normal punch, or use it to increase her jump height or length by focusing it in her feet and legs She has more mastery over this basic form of the power than in what is called "Combat Form" Combat Form is a more advance version and control over Energy Stasis. It forms a armor around her and creates to wrist mounted energy blades (Think Wolverine, but with one dagger like blade) that extend from the black gauntlets as seen in the image. This form amplifies her physical abilities as well as giving her a light energy shield she can create independently. This advance form, however, takes its toll on Avis, and in her current state, she cannot maintain it for more than ten minutes. Not only that, but she has issues of even going into Combat form in general and is currently a "Last Resort" type ability. She hopes to train herself to use this advance form much more. Weaknesses: Avis is still a novice when it comes to using her Titan Ability, thus there is a tendency for failure to occur when using her abilities. One particular failure usually happens during a enhanced blow with the fist. During this attack, energy is transferred from her fist to the target, usually amplifying the effect. However, sometimes this horribly backfires, and to put it simply, she punches herself in the face. While she claims she has fixed this problem and mastered it, is still happens occasionally, though not as often as it used to. In terms of personal weakness, it is hard for her to stand down and typically does not do well with authority. Backing away from a fight is also not one of her strong suits, and she can be unnecessarily rude and frank sometimes. Weapon: If her basic Titan Ability fails for whatever reason, she carries a fixed blade, 9 inch knife Fighting Style: Chaotic, rough, dirty fighting that gives the default advantage over most fighting styles as it it is unpredictable, brutal, and unrelenting in your face fighting. Voice Actor: I guess.. Ami Koshimizu (Voice Actor for Ryuko Matoi in Kill la Kill) Theme Song: EGOIST - Namae No Nai Kaibutsu[/center]