Agini stared up at the sky above, his eyes picking out clouds with interesting shapes. It was a nice day today. Agi let out a content sigh and watched the bubble float away, carried downstream slightly from the current before reaching the surface and disappearing. He didn't want to move, it was so nice just laying there beneath the still water. Agi sat up, and water poured off of his body. He should be going soon; he was already late. Agi stood up in the shallow water, and after a short pause to feel the stream flowing against his feet, he was off. Agi flew, as if shot out of a cannon, from the water. Trees zipped by as momentary blurs before being lost in the speed. One blur had better aim than the others, and Agi slammed into it at full speed, his body splashing apart on impact. Rivulets of water reformed into a boy on the opposite side of the tree, who promptly kicked off from it and resumed his reckless flight. Agi landed on the roof of the pavilion. He stood up straight, checked how wrinkled his wrinkled clothing was, and stepped of the edge. He landed sitting on a bench directly below. That was convenient. Agi looked around once and didn't see anyone he particularly needed to chat with. This was going to be a waste of time, he thought, yawning wide. Agini Hozuki lay down on the bench on his side and closed his eyes. The sun on his skin didn't feel quite as nice without the water filtering its burning rays, but for now he could put up with it.