[B]On the Ark’s Bridge [/B] “Sir,” Ratchet called to Ultra Magnus from his station, “we’ve received a return signal. I don’t recognize the hardware, but I believe I’ve cleared most of the static.” He informed his superior.”Play it for me.” Ultra Magnus ordered, pacing across the front of the bridge. [i]Ark... This is Admiral Lafrau Morray of His Holiness' Battleship, Culling of Prospero... We cannot provide any starcharts of the local area, but we are in need of assistance at this time. Any assistance you could render would be..." There was a short pause in the transmission, “Appreciated..."[/i] Ultra Magnus grunted after listening to the messages three or four times. He considered letting the ship fend for itself, due to its inability or unwillingness to provide star charts. Optimus wouldn’t want that, though. He’d sooner give them his own spark than leave them alone. “Jetfire, this is Ultra Magnus. Come in Jetfire.” [B] In the Med Bay of the Ark [/B] To describe the Med Bay as overcrowded would be an understatement. There were wounded Autobots everywhere. Literally. Every single med station was taken by the most critical cases, and the less serious were propped up against crates or lying down on the floor. There weren’t nearly enough medics to go around, so the medical staff had recruited a number of troopers to assist them. Optimus Prime was located in the center of the Med Bay, where the most advanced surgery equipment was placed. There were three full time medical officers crowded around the table, and a number of enlisted troopers helping them. Jetfire stepped away from Optimus, raising a finger to his head.”This is Jetfire. What do you need, sir?” Jetfire’s accented voice came back over the bridge’s communications systems.”I need you to take a few of your tech savvy Aerialbots and head over to the Culling of Prospero. I’ll have it marked on your HU-“Jetfire interrupted Ultra Magnus, much to the acting captain’s dislike. “With all due respect, sir, I’m needed here. With Ratchet on the bridge and not here, I’m heading up the medical team. We [i] need [/i] Ratchet down here, sir, if you’re going to assign me to repairing a foreign vessel.” Ultra Magnus’s faceplate contorted in frustration.”Fine. Send Voltage up to the bridge to take his place organizing the repairs.” “Thank you, sir.” Jetfire cut off the line with Ultra Magnus.”Volts get to the bridge! Captain needs you. Nuts, Bolts, where are you two?” Jetfire calls over the sounds of the Med Bay. A pair of Seekers with identical chassis comes dashing from a crowd of medics.”You’re coming with me.” The three Seekers pushed their way out of the Med Bay and into the hallway crowded with Autobots looking for their wounded comrades. [B]On the Ark’s Bridge [/B] “This is Ultra Magnus to Admiral... L- Lafrau Morray..?” How was he expected to pronounce [i] that [/i] name? “I’m sending three of my best engineers over to the Culling of Prospero. They will do their best to assist you in repairing your vessel. I will also be coming with them, for the purposes of establishing first contact with your race. I trust that is acceptable?” After Ratchet translated the message and sent it to the Culling of Prospero, he stood and left the bridge with great haste. Ultra Magnus heaved out a sigh.”Keep tabs on the other ships and their transmissions, will you?” With that, the acting captain left the bridge.”Jetfire. Bring your tow cables…I’m coming with you.” [B] Space [/B] A trio of Cybertronian fighter craft shot out from one of the Ark’s various launch tubes. The ships pulled up alongside each other, and turned back towards the launch tube, firing off their tow cables inside. They pulled back, dragging out what appeared to be a ground transport of some sort, to any on lookers. The ships turned again, and flew towards the Culling of Prospero. They drew around to the rear of the ship, and waited for some sort of bay doors to open for them. Once they were inside, they would transform out of their alternative forms…