[center][b]Known Quests[/b][/center] This section is continually updated as we come across them! So stay tuned! [hider= Regular Quests] [center][i][b][u]Secret medicine of the Forest:[/i][/u][/b][/center] The player or players must retrieve a medical ingredient from a large blooming flower named the Little Nepents Ovule, from a rare variant of Little Nepent a plant type mob. [b]Requirements[/b] simply is to include detail in your post [b]Reward is an Anneal Blade[/b] a one handed sword, can have up to 8 enhancements [b][i][u]Sasamaru's Daughter[/b][/i][/u] [b]Description[/b] Upon visiting the Horunka Village there is a chance that when repairing some items, Sasamaru, the NPC blacksmith, will ask for a favor and will throw in a free enhancement, depending on what has happened to the weapon. It appears he wants help finding his daughter who is lost in the forest nearby. [b]Pre-requisites[/b] - An equipment that has been over used (Note: Depending on the equipment and the way it was used will change the free enhancement) - The equipment above has an enhancement slot - Be level 5 or above. - Slay at least one Little Nepent with fruit on it's head and survive the oncoming hoarde or escape [b]Activation[/b] - Get the equipment repaired - Come back to the Sasamaru more than 10 minutes after the amount of time it would take to repair the item (to give it time to be enhanced) (Note: if you do not accept the quest, the durability of the item is reduced as Sasamaru did a bad job) [b]Conditions to clear[/b] - Find Sasamaru's daughter, Hina - Defeat the Large Nepents surrounding Hina (five of them that are level 5 and one more level 7 Large Nepent with a flower on it's head that appears afterwards.) - Bring the daughter back to Sasamaru [b]Rewards[/b] - 500 exp - 1500 col - A choice of equipment. [list] Iron helmet (Heavy Metal Equipment) Iron chestplate (Heavy Metal Equipment) Iron leggings (Heavy Metal Equipment) Iron sword (Heavy Two-handed Sword) Iron shield (Shield) Set of 10 throwing knives (Throwable items) - Recharge time - 2 minutes [center][b][i][u]New Cuisine[/u][/b][/i][/center] [b]Description[/b] In a restaurant at Gonike, the chef has been upset recently. It appears she doesn't feel like she has her own signature dish. She wants to create a new menu, a new cuisine and that will be her signature dish. [b]Pre-requisite[/b] - Reaching the Gonike - Amelia is outside of the restaurant, looking down (Set times of day) [b]Activation[/b] - Eat at the restaurant - Talk to Amelia, asking about her problems [b]Requirements[/b] - Collect Little Nepent fruits (available from Little Nepent with fruit) (2) (1/1, be careful of the oncoming hoarde, especially at night) - Collect Wolf Meat (10) (Drop rate, 1/5) [b]Rewards[/b] - 350 exp - 1500 col - A sample of her newest dish Wolf Fruit pie (Tastes like Chicken Apple Pie) Amelia's special dish. Available to order after finishing the quest New Cuisine. (Repeatable quest) Boosts health recovery, to 100 per 10 seconds for 10 minutes. Gives a 1.2x damage multiplier for 2 minutes[/hider]