I can't help myself. Genghis trolling success, now let me at this. [quote=monstahunta] I was working for a tree service at age 14, and every summer thereafter until I graduated high school, and I now work there full time.[/quote] That's against labor laws in the state of New York, unless it's changed in the last ten years. Minimum age for gainful employment is 16 with a work permit, normally 18. [quote]I get up at 3am to go on a two hour commute to the capital district area from the fucking mountains in upstate New York. [/quote] Lol. There are no fucking mountains within two hours of albany. [quote]I dragged brush 80 yards across an open field in the hot sun today to reach the chipper, and then wheeled several wheelbarrow loads of blocks of wood to throw onto the back of the chip truck, cleaned up the mess of the trees we had taken down, and that was just what I did after my lunch at 11:30.[/quote] High temp was 89 today.... eh, you know what, I'll give it to you, that's unseasonably high for NYS. I'll admit it. When I heard 'hot sun' in upstate new york, I jumped to a different conclusion. [quote] That was one job, and we completed 5 today, so I'd have to humbly disagree with you there. [/quote] Apparently your other four jobs were polished off by lunch. If we take your 3AM wakeup, throw in your 2 hour commute and let's call it 30 minutes of prep, subtract it from your 11:30 lunch break and divide by four, throw in a few minutes for transit, sounds like about four hours of work by my count. I did that in laundry and you don't hear me bitching about it. White kids, amirite?