James immediately perks up when Dorian groans. Like an excited puppy he straightens up waiting eagerly for Dorian to speak. "I'm bored," he says in his own defense. "And I couldn't sleep anymore. Not to mention the sun is still out." He runs his fingers over his matted hair with a guilty look. "It's not my fault the cave is dirty." He happily crosses back over to Dorian and lays back in the dirt. One arm slings over Dorian's chest and he buries his cheek against the elder's shoulder bone. "What are we going to talk about?" He asks innocently while pressing their bodies close together. James' blue eyes blink inquisitively but there is a glint of mischief behind his gaze. More of the real James is slowly starting to come out now that he is not relying on pure instinct to survive, now that he has a sire to guide him.