Name: Victoria Volz Codename: Virginia Age: 31 Specialty: Infiltration & Elimination Armor: [url=]This but black on black[/url] Armor Ability: Type-3 Refraction Dissonance Modifier/Camouflage Appearance: [url=] History: Victoria lived on the streets for years, as a child she could acquire food & shelter easily by being cute as she grew up that stopped being an option. Then the gangs moved in, she wanted no part of the gang lifestyle, as she would have been nothing more than another living sex toy that they may or may not have loaned to other people for money. She didn't have the means to fight them so she had to learn to hide from them. She became very good at sneaking around, she eventually learned to apply that skill to breaking and entering. Eventually she was caught, a marine who was forced out of service took her in and helped her get her life together. Shortly before Victoria turned eighteen her benefactor died at eighteen she joined the UNSC Marine Corps just like her benefactor. Her skills were put to good use infiltrating and eliminating Innie leaders who wanted to continue their pointless crusade of stupidity and ignorance all the while the Covenant were trying to exterminate humanity. Her last mission fighting the Innie morons was cut short when the Covenant invaded. she barely made it off world before Covenant glassed the planet. After that ONI conscripted her to put her talents to use in gathering intelligence on the Covenant. After many years of fighting the Covenant she was conscripted once more by the Freelancer project. Personality: Due to her successes in the past, the fact she was conscripted into other programs against the wishes of her commanding officers she has developed a superiority complex. As a result of her benefactor's death, her parents abandoning her she has developed an inferiority complex, she feels like there is something wrong with her. she never takes anything seriously except when in battle. She refuses to form attachments to other people or things. If she can't take into battle with her then she has absolutely no use for it. Over the decades she developed a darker and self-destructive personality. Any specific weaknesses/flaws: she is cocky, arrogant, willful, and insolent. she could be in desperate need of help but she would rather die than to ask for it. she has scars on her body that are not the result of battle or fights, but self-infliction. Due to depression and self-loathing, she sought out violent sexual relationships. Quirks: Has a tendency to uncontrollably babble nonsensically when in a heightened emotional state, which has proven useful in interrogations. She also will butcher words. She doesn’t like males very much at all, especially the little brain they think with.