[center]Oliver nodded in response to Michi as she scurried into the bathroom. He didn't mind having to wait. It was pretty common for him to be up and ready way before her. Mornings were pretty easy for him to bear, even if he stayed up late the night before. Oliver barely even noticed her state of dress, or rather, undress. It had been pretty clear from day one how comfortable she was around him. Indeed, her entire family seemed extremely close, and it was as if he was just another member. Still, it wasn't like he was going to start walking around in his boxers all the time. As the shower water began to run, Oliver took his phone from his messenger and consulted it. There weren't any outstanding messages or otherwise for him to respond to. Oliver reflected as she showered. He had certainly learned a lot about Japanese language and culture, even in the short time he'd been living here. Moving to America had been quite the culture shock, but moving in with a tightly-knit family with far-eastern heritage was even more so. They were incredibly accepting of his eccentricities, it seemed. Also, they weren't harsh on him for doing things differently. Indeed, it had turned out to be quite the positive experience so far. Michi exited the bathroom in a haze of steam, fully dressed and seemingly ready for the day. [b]"Lookin' smart today, Mi,"[/b] he observed with a smile, using his personal nickname for her, [b]"You about ready?"[/b] His accent wasn't showing any sign of leaving, and it wasn't likely to no matter how long he lived here. It drew odd looks every now and then, but most people at the Academy had learned to get used to it, along with his unusual words and expressions. One such example was his use of the word 'smart' just then. It wasn't meant to be an observation of intelligence. No, it was more a way to compliment her appearance without being overtly awkward.[/center]