@Gwazi: At work so can't make a long post, but if you seriously think an extreme hatred of all religion indiscriminately isn't blatantly unhealthy... Then you really are beyond learning anything. Hatred breeds nothing but more hatred. Nobody wins, and everyone suffers until they are utterly consumed by it. It also overpowers rational thought. Also, apparently my being extremely blunt with you presuming you would be mature enough to take it was a bit unfounded when you then state, boldly, that I lied to you... Somehow. [quote=Tydosius] Perhaps it is not the insanity that can cause belief, but the exposure that can cause insanity. [/quote] I find that willingly allowing myself to believe incredulous claims harms my perception of what is real and what is not. Ergo why I initially reacted harshly towards Wayne in the mental thread (which I have apologized to him for), and why I can't be Christian. Look at Manson. Dude was nuts. Dude thought he was Jesus. Dude did baaaad shit.