Part of Adam wanted to let her go, but part of him couldn't let her slip through his fingers. His affection for humans is one of his greatest asset and greatest downfall. "Wait..." he mumbled as he ran his fingers through his hair. "Can you do it now? Cut my hair, I mean. I don't have another class for an hour. Would that be enough time?" He cursed himself out in his head. He should just let her go. He shouldn't care. He shouldn't care if her feelings were hurt. He had opened her eyes. Yet there was a pull inside of him that told him he could not let her go. "What do you need to cut my hair?" People walked by, giving them weird looks. Adam put his back down by his side, stood up straighter, and tried to put back on the persona of a professor. He didn't want anyone getting the wrong idea, right? "Did you just check me out?" Avril asked in disbelief. "You are such an a**!" She pulled the jacket closer around her as if that would help. "This is why I cannot stand blood suckers like you. All you care about is blood. You don't care who you took it from or how you take it. If it is taking advantage of a poor innocent girl then who cares! You are so disgusting!" She slid off the desk and headed for the door with the intent to follow after Adam. However, once she reached the door she found she couldn't make her hand turn the door knob. "Dang it!" she mumbled as she walked back to the center of the room.