I'm pretty sure this has been done to death with Zombie Apocalypse, Nuclear Winter Apocalypses and maybe even World Wars... but I have two ideas that I would like to be a part of that seems lesser done and may have more options open than the others. One is an Epidemic RP. This style seems popular in movies, but I don't think I've seen many roleplays that use this style. Essentially some viral or bacterial (or even parasitical) disease decimates the world within about a year. It happened so fast that there wasn't time for mass rioting and destruction. Houses would be left emptied but still intact. Cities could have been bombed or burned to prevent further outbreak and in rare instances nuclear ordnance (for those unfamiliar with military terms ordnance is another term for weapons, in this case specifically; explosive weapons). This would leave the option to have large wastelands where nuclear fallout is still heavy and dangerous but the whole planet isn't completely decimated by it. The other is a bit more religious which may be a touchy topic but I thought it might be a fun idea if handled correctly, which is a Rapture RP. This Post-Apocalyptic world would be set after the Christian Rapture as described by the Book of Revelations in the Bible. This RP however DOESN'T need to be religious, I don't want people to feel uncomfortable with a religious topic knowing how much of a land mine these things can be. However, it would follow the same idea. For those unfamiliar with the concept of the Rapture I will explain: Millions and millions of faithful Christians would have suddenly disappeared as they were taken from Earth to Heaven. Jesus will have then returned to Earth and lead his own forces of Angels to fight the Antichrist and his army of Demons. It is a seven year war that determines the fate of Heaven, Earth and Hell. Now, here is where I am diverging: Rather than it being religious as I've said, it could be a fantasy set in a world exactly like our with the exception of the existence of beings of good called Angels, and beings of evil called Demons. Each character would choose their alignment and fight for the forces of good, working to return the world to the peace and order there was before. Or they could fight for evil, working to change the world to a place of chaos and freedom, where no laws hinder people, no government or ruling power dictates, where every man and woman are their own and truly free. Cities could be ravaged and destroyed from the constant battles and society could have already been beyond that verge of collapse tilting the scales to chaos. There would be no existing government or country boarders or anything, it would be a chaotic and free world as those who align themselves with the demons sought however with the Angels still fighting to undo this existence there is still war. These are the two setting I want to try out, but I'd prefer to stick to one or the other for now. So who would be interested in either of these and which one would you all prefer? Also I'd like to know how many would be active, preferably a post a day or at least every other day.