Name: Sarah Ahapow Sex: Female Appearance: [url=]This but in a ponytail[/url] Armor: Standard MJOLNIR MK. 6 armor Olive with red trim Backstory: Sarah had grown up on Reach with her family including her brother Tyler. Instead of just being a farmgirl like most people on Reach she lived in a big city with her family. Once word of the war had started her older brother quickly signed up join the UNSC. Even after all of his sisters pleas to stay he still signed uo and went off to boot camp. This brought so much pain to her and was depressed for many months until she turned 18. One day the family was having breakfast as usual when a couple of UNSC soldiers knocked at their door. They has to deliever the news that Tyler had been killed due to the Covenant glassing of a planet. Hearing this only brought Sarah's spirit down even more, and after week or two of mourning she had decided she would continue her brothers legacy and join the UNSC. She knew her parents would protest so she just left a note explaining what she was doing and then she left. She went through bootcamp relatively easiely without any major problems. She exceled especially in CQB and leadership excercises. She was then appointed to squad leader. After which they were shipped out and fought until the end of the war. Many of her squadmates died and were later replaced by others who also soon died. Because Sarah had a problem with getting attached this hit her more than her other surviving members. She began to drink in order to deal with her depression. This went on for years, even though she had been in so many battles she always lived. Not her friends, not her superiors, her. As you'd assume this also contributed to depression. She was however able to kick her drinking addiction. The worst part of the war was when she was assigned to Reach and when it fell. Her parents didn't make it, all of her old friends didn't make it either. Sarah had began to feel so alone and the only way to keep her mind off of it was to keep herself occupied with other military programs. Shortly after she had been recruited as part of the ODST program. As an ODST she helped finish up the war. After the war she was recruited for a project known as "Project Freelancer" with very little information being given to her about the project but to keep busy she accepted the offer. Flaws: Gets very attached very easily, will have a breakdown if one of her teammates is injured or killed, and will get arrogant when rowled up. Skills: Leadership, CQB, and can help boost morale when needed even if she's not in the best shape mentally. Ability: FENRIS Nuclear warhead in the chestplate that can be detached and detonated.