Emma clutched her pale fingers around the street lamp that had been one of many that lit up the streets of Chicago all that time ago. She wished she could imagine what it must have been like... All those people passing by without a care in the world, merely pondering simple things like what store to shop in or if their last job interview had went well. Emma wished she could imagine everything the way her parents had seen it. They had told her stories as a child but nothing was as good as being there to live it. If she had just been born at a different place and time she could have been able to grow up in playgrounds with masses of happy, carefree kids. It was rather unfair that she and whoever else had survived had to be born into Hell itself. She stared down the vacant street, watching the breeze push some dead leaves across the concrete. Was this it? Was her life simply a cat and mouse chase between her and the silhouettes that hid behind the emptiness? Was she even alive if there was no one to acknowledge it? Her parents had been the only people she had ever truly known. She would have given anything to have them back. Even in a world as morbid as this one, death came as a shock to her. Everything and anything could be so easily stripped away. One moment they existed. The next, they were gone and Emma was alone. Although unpleasant at times, it really wasn't all too hard for Emma to get accustomed to being the only one around. Whenever she had been given the opportunity to group with people, she had previously shied away from it. It was hard to trust people nowadays. Survival was tough and the temptation of building upon the small amount of items one already has was strong. People stole from each other and even killed each other for things that would once be considered silly to kill someone over. To be truthful, Emma was scared. As unpleasant as life had become, Emma did not want to leave it. Death scared her as much as living did. Silence was pretty scary too. It consumed the skeletal remains of Chicago and Emma's mind. It made her feel small, staring down the foggy, empty street with only the slight sound of the wind to keep her company. She had to unhinge her small hands from the cool metal pole, adrenaline rushing through her veins, making her heart beat hard enough to break right through her rib cage. It was too quiet. Emma felt too exposed. Tingles went up her spine, making her shiver. She wanted to bolt inside somewhere and hide. There could be a variety of creatures out here that could rip her throat out no questions asked. She let her hand fall near the gun in her belt and took a deep breath. Cautiously, she began making her way forward. She needed to scope out for some more supplies and running for cover was not going to be of use. She blew blonde wisps from her eyes as she paused by a old storefront. After cleaning the glass of the foggy window with the fabric of her jacket, she peered inside, cupping her hands on the sides of her eyes. It was a book store. The corners of her lips twitched upward. Words once written by people would be the closest thing to company she was going to get. She ascended a staircase into the old bookstore, failing to hear the emission of a low growl from behind her in her distraction.