The first to respond to the Key, though, was not Gabe himself, but his roommate. His Mongolian university student roommate who had spent last night in a rave, getting shit-faced and now suffering from a hangover that now made his head feel like it was splitting apart when that overtly chipper voice sounded outwards. [i]“Knock knock. Anyone home? Fantastic!”[/i] [b]“Shut up, man,”[/b] he replied, in the pained stupor of half-wakefulness, [b]“Not a good time to be my mom.”[/b] With that, Gabe's roommate turned over, nestling himself in a different sleeping position, this time curled up into a ball, with the pillow wrapped around the back of his head like a giant pair of ear mufflers. Another useful position that he learned to sleep in, when the neighbours were having a late night tryst. Turning around at that unexpected quip from his roommate, the Japanese butler-waiter looked around for a bit. After all, he for one didn't have an alarm clock set at such a time, nor with such a ringtone. He shifted his attention to his own phone then, just in time to see that there was now someone's face on the screen, much like the Video Chat of Skype, except the man seemed to be interposed between the apps and the screen. Almost like he was trapped, other than the fact that he looked rather comfortable 'inside' the Chinese knock-off Ipod. If nothing else, that thin man had style. While it wasn't particularly up Gabe's alley, he liked how the satin scarf enhanced the elegant, delicate nature of the man. Needless to say, for something like a promotion for a movie or whatever, they chose some rather stylish actors. [i]“...The Librarian, at your service! -um...I...won't mind if you go put some clothes on before I go on.”[/i] Right, he had forgotten about that. Another cold draft passed the room, clearing his mind as he focused onto his current objective once more. Picking up his phone, and assuming that this camera-promoter-person was able to see out through the small camera on the phone, Gabe flipped over the Iphone so that the screen faced his closet, and said, taking the time to scratch an itch in his nether regions while the Librarian couldn't see, [b]“Well, you came at a helpful time, my friend. I've been mulling over what to wear for the day, and it'd be nice to get an opinion. Should I go for a set that matches that dark longcoat hanging by the right, or should I go for a lighter set, with a white top and suspenders?”[/b] He slowly turned the phone as he spoke, so that the Librarian could get a proper look at his wardrobe, before another thought dawned upon him, accompanied by the faintest rumble of his stomach. [b]“And what do you recommend for breakfast? I must admit that I don't have the faintest clue at the moment. Today's been an odder day than normal, with people invading my phone and free keys going up Charity?”[/b]