[center]Oliver couldn't help but notice the wonderful scent that trailed behind Michi as they made their way through the building. He thought it was rather strange for a moment. It was most unlike Michi to wear anything like that. She typically strayed away from overtly feminine things like that. It wasn't that Oliver didn't like it; it was rather exhilarating as a matter of fact. It was just a little out of the ordinary. Michi and her mother had a short exchange in Japanese, which Oliver didn't quite follow. Sure he'd been living with them a few months now, but he couldn't pretend to be an expert in the language just because of that. Taking the offered rice ball, Oliver devoured it rather quickly whilst following her outside. It was their customary weekday breakfast, of sorts. They were always fresh and hot, and they did much to disperse any of the remaining cobwebs left from sleep. [b]"Thanks!"[/b] he was sure to call out before they departed. Once outside, they were greeted by the looming oddity that was the DWMA. Impossibly massive, it dominated the view in this part of town. The absurdly large front steps of the Academy were just a couple short blocks' walk from the Ueda's residence/restaurant. As it were, it was almost impossible to be late for class living this close. As the pair made their way towards the steps, Oliver turned to consult with his meister. [b]"So... whaddya reckon? Think we get that first mission today?"[/b] he asked, looking rather hopeful. It had to be only a matter of time.[/center]