[center]Oliver obliged, trying his best to keep up with her. She was so quick, bounding up the steps without any trouble at all. It wasn't that Oliver was clumsy or anything; he just liked to take his time with a lot of things. Michi, on the other hand, was always such a fountain of energy. It was quite the relief that she was the meister and he was the weapon, because he tired out far too easily and couldn't move very fast. [b]"We'll be better!"[/b] he assured her loudly, [b]"Better than anyone!"[/b] They were nearly to the front doors now. Plenty of students became visible, milling about in front of the Academy or entering through the doors. None of them really seemed to pay he or Michi any mind, as they were mostly more experienced students. That would all change one day. Everyone would know their name soon.[/center]