Ryuu prepared for her big debut. She had a plan, one that involved terror after her speech. A special kind of terror. Crime. Something that had never happened before. It was seven O' clock when het voice came on the radio. It was the same on every radio, even if the radio was off. Her voice was surprisingly clear and asked the world the same question. Would they fight against her or with her. [b]"I never wished to be born into this godforsaken world. I never wishes to be born into this world full of ordinary people. I never wished to be born into this utopia. I never wished, someone else wished for me. But the time has come. The time for my reign. It is the dawn of a new era, The Era of Balance. If you remember make a choice, join me or fight in a puny resistance against me. None the less if you remember we will meet. It is the end of this utopia."[/b] There was a high pitched laugh before the voice shut off. [hider= Ryuu] [b]Current Information the Characters Know [/b] Name: Ryuu Age: 15 Gender: Female Appearance: ???? Ability: ???? Personality: ???? Bio: ???? [/hider]