A sad smile formed on Ariel's lips. "Yes. I am Death. My job is to collect the souls of the deceased....maybe have a little fun while I'm at it." She glanced back at the fresh corpse, nudging the boy's face with the tip of her shoe. "You weren't affected because I decided it wasn't your time. I allowed you to kiss me. A Kiss of Death." For a brief moment, Ariel's usual smirk and bravado of confidence faded away, dissolving into a look of uncertainty. Shaking her head at Zendra's reaction, she turned to go....only to freeze once she felt Zendra embrace her in another hug from behind. Astonished, Death turned over to look at the other girl. "You're....you're not afraid of me?" Her cold heart pounded faster as Zendra declared her an angel. Her angel. Funny. Up until this moment, Ariel wasn't aware she even had a heart. This certainly proved it. "Zendra," she whispered. "You...you really think that?" As Zendra leaned in to her ear, another genuine blush crept on Ariel's face. "Zendra...." Nuzzling into the other girl, Ariel held onto to her tight, as if afraid she would ever let go. "I'll try....I'll be your guardian angel....I won't let anyone come between us...." Closing her eyes, Ariel snuggled closer into Zendra's grip, not caring who or what saw them at the moment. The problem with this scene? There was still a dead body rotting right underneath them.