"Humans are very fragile." Sakuya added, perhaps without reason to the spider witch. Then, with a particularly feline grin, the butler shrugged. "Ryuu always tells me that I'm too stuffy, so I'm trying for a change of pace, I guess. No fun being a butler all the time. Sometimes I just have to be Sakuya." Said Sakuya. He would have said more, but there were too chorusing screams and then two voices that carried throughout the house. Or, at least, this side of the house. The mistress and the young master probably wouldn't wake, unless they were only half asleep. "HARUO THE SOUP! THE SOUP IS OVERFLOWING!" "OH MY GOODNESS CALL THE CHEF!" "YOU ARE THE CHEF, YOU SILLY GOOSE!!" "DON'T CALL ME A SILLY GOOSE IT SOUNDS FUNNY!" "AHA, THAT'S JUST BECAUSE EVERYTHING I SAY IS INSTANTLY HILARIOUS!" "MUAHAHAH CAN'T ARGUE WITH LOGIC, MA'AM." There was a loud pop, and Sakuya cringed. "OH CRAPAPPLES THE SOUFFLÉ!" "WELL AT LEAST CONSTANCE AND DAVIS ALREADY ATE SO THIS FOOD DOESN'T HAVE TO BE AS GOOD!" "MUAHAHA, GOOD POINT, MY FAIR LADY!" Putting a hand to his forehead, Sakuya tugged at his pink locks, "Well I guess I'll have to hold off being Sakuya and go back to being [b]Sakuya.[/b]" He said in a slightly deeper voice. "Haruo, ring the bell! Call everyone to dinner!" Sakuya yelled only a tad softer than the scullery maid and chef. "HAHAHA SAKUYA YOU HAVE SUCH A LOUD VOICE! BUT QUIET OR YOU'LL WAKE THE MISTRESS OR THE YOUNG MASTER!" Was the shouted response. Sakuya banged his head on the doorframe a few times out of frustration before the dinner bell rang and he composed himself. "I don't know who is worse. Them, or our two lazy asses." The butler muttered quietly. ---- Said youkai had just finished scrubbing the tub to a decent state. Not to a shine, but it was passable. "Making a lady do all this work. You should be ashamed, Ryuu." Momoko pouted, soaking her hands in steaming hot water. Slowly turning the sink faucet off, the maid pulled down her sleeves. "Hm, I got here not too long ago and I already have a bad reputation. Well, whatever." The snow haired kurakasa mused mostly to herself but smiled with good humor at Ryuu. "But you seem to be chummy with Sakuya, so that's why you don't need to work that much, haaanh?" Momoko prodded bluntly as the dinner bell rang. "Ooh, time to eat." When Kaede and Sakuya weren't around, the maid was even worse. Nevertheless, she didn't appear to mean any harm and did [I]some[/I] work. With a graceful step, and with parasol under her arm and task completed, the happy kurakasa hurried to the dining room. Kira and Haruo had put out a few things. There was a soufflé with a huge hole in it, as if it had popped. Oh, and there was the green soup she had sampled earlier, much to Kira's annoyance. And there looked to be some sort of fried or battered fish and shrimp. Tempura, probably. "Mm..." She hummed, reaching out to get one, but her wrist was grabbed from behind. "Ah, ah, ah! It's the soup sipper, Haruo!" A shorter girl with short, neat black and violet streaked hair screeched. Momoko's other arm was grabbed as she gasped. "Hmmm....! Use a fork, you! Were you raised in a barn?" The chef demanded, golden locks and lively blue eyes staring into her soul. "The three of you calm down!" Sakuya demanded, eyes glowing dangerously. The two kitchen workers released the soup-sipper. Momoko gulped. "Now... let's all enjoy a meal, yeah?" The nekomata said a little too softly. The three nodded quickly, Kira twirling the ladle around one finger idly. "CUT THAT OUT!" "Gosh, Sakuya, no need to yell." Haruo 'tsked' softly.