[img=http://i1298.photobucket.com/albums/ag58/Silux45/STARFALLLOGOPNG_zps2e6e9ef9.png] --- [center][img=http://i1298.photobucket.com/albums/ag58/Silux45/INTRO_zpse3cf951a.png][/center] --- After Earth was lost, everything fell to pieces. As the centre of control, bureaucracy, finance, culture and defence for the entire empire of unified races shattered into a hundred thousand fragments, the galaxy was never to be the same. Those who called each other brother and friend, those united by a singular purpose in the universe turned their backs on one another and the Empire’s grand vision for a unified tomorrow was a mere whisper on the cosmic wind. A dream as dead as the planet it was birthed on. Once a bustling mega-utopia for everyone who had a dream had become a loose scattering of singed rocks hanging in the infinite blackness, dancing their dance of misery and regret. Some factions tried to kickstart a second Empire: the Humans tried to consolidate their power in the aftermath, but little could be done to reunite the galaxy in the madness. Soon enough, the races of the galaxy began to find a kind of primal peace in the separation, a serenity that was impossible to find in the orderly unity of the former Empire. Worlds began to grow verdant once more, planets forged their own ways of living, traded at their own whims, had no quotas to meet. In the strangest of ways, the galaxy was united, but not by any doctrine or regime; only by peace and the prospect of freedom. So when the Starfall sector went silent, the galaxy knew that the calm would not last. The same force that had obliterated the Earth is making it’s advances, the Starfall sector is it’s first movement. A loose cluster of eleven stars that has been brought under their power. The only way to access the fringe sector from the galactic centre is through 'Starfall Prime-1', the namesake wormhole network of the sector. They will expand, they will destroy, they will fortify. The unified Empire was not able to defeat them in all out war, so it would seem that all hope has been lost if they have their gaze set upon oppressing and enslaving the rest of the galaxy. But there does lie hope. Hope in the fiercest of individuals. All out war is out of the question, but if disorder and terror were to be sowed among their ranks… There could be hope after all. There may be a chance at tomorrow. The Ephemeral gather. A collection of the most deadly, vicious, brutal assassins and single combat specialists the galaxy has ever known. Brought together by an AI of unknown origin, traversing the void of space in a simple Hephastus-Class Corvette that has been heavily modified with engines and cloaking fields, the Ephemeral have united with a single purpose: to break the ranks of the oppressors and bring Starfall it’s freedom once more. You are Ephemeral. Together, you will bring the oppressors crashing to their knees, or be the last failed attempt of a galaxy dreaming of peace. --- [center][img=http://i1298.photobucket.com/albums/ag58/Silux45/OOCIntro_zps202cda6e.png][/center] --- Thank you for taking an interest in Starfall, a role-play idea that i've wanted to try out for quite some time! It's going to be a little different from your standard role-play because of the changes in linearity and progression that you may be used to in traditional role-plays that are more focused on a single storyline that has small aspects evolve around the players, but largely stays the same. Starfall, however, is dynamic. A lot of role-plays say they are dynamic, but they are either not dynamic or have absolutely no story drive, they're usually the 'open survival' types that crumble under themselves when the players get bored. However, in Starfall, the role-play will be cut down into individual missions that will take a week or two to finish each, meaning that we keep a huge variety and pace; you beat these missions your own way. Co-operate with your fellow players and get the job done, or try to be a hero and spectacularly f*** up, and the bad-guys will punish you for it. They will learn, they will get to know your weaknesses if they are overexposed to you and that will definitely not play in your favour. The start of every 'mission' will be a briefing from the 'Terrarial H.A.K.E.S.A.T.H', your AI commander, giving details of the target, his weaknesses and strengths, his defences, guards and whatever other useful tidbits of information should prove useful to your mission. A list and hierarchy of the leaders in the Starfall sector will be provided, and you must kill or manipulate each of them to get closer to your ultimate target... As more and more star systems are liberated from enemy forces, the oppressors will become more and more aware that something is working against them, and their defences will tighten. --- [center][img=http://i1298.photobucket.com/albums/ag58/Silux45/COMBAT_zps02cf7956.png][/center] --- Starfall is split into two distinct sections in which your characters will interact differently. Combat-centric missions and narrative-centric intermissions. Combat within missions in Starfall is a little different to a lot of role-plays. As in, killing grunts is not something you describe explicitly. Think of it as an Arena fight and all the enemies are actual players. You don't auto hit them, you simply [i]describe[/i] your attack (or indeed, your actions) and i'll write out the reaction and effects of your actions. it's pretty easy to pick up. When you launch attacks I do fancy complicated things which determine what happens and how. You don't need to worry about how these results are determined, you only need to concern yourself with the actual result which is always presented in a narrative fashion. As we complete missions and do epic shit, your characters will be awarded with added gear and fluff which will improve their chances in combat, as well as their capacity to utterly curbstomp enemies in increasingly gory ways. The best chance for success is to have multiple characters play multiple roles, having the entire team play to their strengths. Some will thrive in all out firefights, some will be at home backstabbing with lethal efficiency. Tl;dr: You write the attack, I write the death or horrible mutilation you cause. Missions will not require huge posts. They are fast paced and posts should contain only necessary elements to the fight. However the RP is still in advanced, and writing should be treated as such. --- [center][img=http://i1298.photobucket.com/albums/ag58/Silux45/OUTOFCOMBAT_zps4550bdb8.png][/center] --- Starfall is split into two distinct sections in which your characters will interact differently. Combat-centric missions and narrative-centric intermissions. Intermissions in Starfall will act as a normal role-play would. These typically happen in the days between missions and will last about as long. In this time you will be free to roam the ship, develop characters and conflicts and just generally play as if you were in any other game. Non-combat periods are also an opportunity for me to advance the story in ways other than threatening your lives on a regular basis. Expect me to PM one or two of you a specific element or event that can be included in your 'regular role-play' intermission posts to keep things spicy. Posts in intermission periods don't need to be short and fast paced. Gets as exposition-y as you'd like! --- [center][img=http://i1298.photobucket.com/albums/ag58/Silux45/WORLDOFSTARFALL_zpsc8a34047.png][/center] --- [hider=races] There are a few predetermined races in Starfall, but this is by no means a complete list. When designing your character you may pick any of these to base him or her on (with the exception of Arakath) or make something entirely new of your own design. This is just a bit of background and fluff. [b]Arakath[/b] Known by many races of the galaxy as the Oppressors. They are a precursor race, those who ruled the stars long before Humankind had even pulled itself from the primordial ooze. They made stars their playthings and destroyed races and galaxies as they saw fit, mastering the technologies of warp-space and ethereality, phase and lightform. They are unknown in number, but they are estimated to be in the dozens. In fact, they were thought to be extinct until the brutal skirmishes leading up to Earth destruction. Stories among veteran soldiers say that they cannot be killed, and indeed, not a single Arakath has ever been known to fall in battle. Those who claim to be experts on the subject of these incredible creatures will tell you that they could decimate entire battalions of soldiers in mere hours without taking a single strike. As it is these very same beings who have Starfall in their grasp, defeatists assume that the galaxy and beyond is already theirs. It would take true cunning and ferocity to deal a killing blow to one of these modern-day Gods. [b]Human[/b] The Human. This needs little explanation. Since the destruction of Earth they have scattered among the stars, though they are mostly concentrated in their home system of Sol across the terraformed planets that were once dormant. Mars and Titan are their current biggest population centres, with outlier planets such as Europa being a haven for raiders and pirate factions. [b]Cybernetics[/b] Again, these need little explanation, and they are the most diverse race (if they can be called that) of all. They come in all shapes and sizes, any sentient robotic being built by any species to serve some purpose. Some are built for battle, some for domestic purposes, but most can be retrofitted to be fairly deadly. There have only been a few cybernetics that have distinguished themselves as especially lethal, but those who have are rightly feared for their cold-heartedness and utility. [b]Exotl[/b] This exotic species hails from the dark regions of the Ink Stars, a mysterious cluster of sectors on the opposite side of the galaxy that are inexplicably dark. The Exotl are strangely shaped creatures under a writing mass of dexterous tentacles with razor sharp teeth lining each one. They can appear formless at the speeds they move, and are natural hunters on their home worlds. They are capable of seeing in almost every spectrum of light that exists and have incredibly sensitive hearing. However, such traits come with a downside: they are extremely fragile creatures. With cartilage lining their body instead of bones, they are extremely prone to being crushed or knocked around with devastating effects toward their internal organs. Still, despite this inherent fragility, they have succeeded as a species and made a considerable reputation for themselves. [b]Riftosian[/b] The Riftosian are an incredibly unusual species, if they can even be called that. They appear to be made of a mass of semi-intelligent matter that seems to swarm and coordinate with itself, forming it's own makeshift physical form that varies individual to individual. Most Riftosians will choose to take the shape of warped, looming humanoid beasts that tower over most other races. They tend to be very slim and agile, and, by their nature, have an array of unusual pseudo-quantum abilities, including the ability to 'flit' short distances by disassembling their bodies and reassembling them in another nearby location, and the ability to control the direction of their billions of individual components to reflect light at will, giving them extremely effective nature camouflage when needed. However, the Riftosians, however imposing, are extremely physically weak in comparison to other races, and rely on certain dexterity and cunning to be effective in combat scenarios. They have also made their presence known to the galactic community, and remain respected and even feared by other cultures. [/hider] [hider=CS Application] [b]Name:[/b] [b]Race:[/b] (Can be one of the provided races (except Arakath) or something of your own design. If designing your own race, be creative. Anything based off of, or too reminiscent of standard sci-fi / fantasy archetypes will not be accepted. So nothing like a dwarf, or an elf... or anything that has been too overdone in sci-fi. If making your own race, tell me about their inherit strengths and weaknesses and what abilities they may possess.) [b]Physical Characteristics and Appearance:[/b] [b]Background Information:[/b] [b]Equipment:[/b] (The more fluff intensive, the better) [list][*]Ranged Weapon[/*] [*]Sidearm[/*] [*]Close Combat Weapon[/*] [*]Special Weapon[/*] [*]Armor and Defences[/*] [*]Physical Enhancements[/*] [*]Other[/*] [/list] [b]Unique Abilities:[/b] (Only if applicable. This usually refers to special racial abilities that are beyond the ordinary skills that can be learned) [b]Skill set:[/b] [b]Combat Role:[/b] (Support? Forward Assault? Assassin? Mighty Tank? What role in a combat situation would your character play? Stealth is a little less important now, after a few revisions, so feel free to go a bit mad.) [b]Weaknesses:[/b] (Alcoholic is not a weakness. Actual, tangible shortcomings, please. Something that really could count against them if exposed. Also any possible equipment faults should be listed here.) [/hider] --- [center][img=http://i1298.photobucket.com/albums/ag58/Silux45/THEEPHEMERAL_zps3b10231a.png][/center] --- -Active- ∞ Available Clones- [url=http://www.roleplayerguild.com/topics/40778/posts/ooc?page=2#post-1223945]Elizabeth Colt[/url] - Synthorian -Active- ∞ Available Clones- [url=http://www.roleplayerguild.com/topics/40778/posts/ooc?page=4#post-1229227]Alexis A. "Pinocchio" Ingalls the Fourth[/url] - TTwoThumbsUp -Active- ∞ Available Clones- [url=http://www.roleplayerguild.com/topics/40778/posts/ooc?page=18#post-1409811]Sirius Korvekt[/url] - Synthorian -Active- ∞ Available Clones- [url=http://www.roleplayerguild.com/topics/40778/posts/ooc?page=20#post-1619724]Harvin Tong[/url] - GourmetItalia [s]-Inactive-2 Available Clones- [url=http://www.roleplayerguild.com/topics/40778/posts/ooc?page=4#post-1227083]Marc 'The Shadow'[/url] - horrordaily[/s] [s]-Inactive-2 Available Clones- [url=http://www.roleplayerguild.com/topics/40778/posts/ooc?page=5#post-1229512]Alsia[/url] - Raptorman[/s] [s]-Inactive-2 Available Clones- [url=http://www.roleplayerguild.com/topics/40778/posts/ooc?page=7#post-1231835]Dying Star[/url] - HeyNow[/s] [s]-Inactive-2 Available Clones- [url=http://www.roleplayerguild.com/topics/40778/posts/ooc?page=7#post-1233863]Randel Himurr[/url] - Asuras (CS IS WIP)[/s] [s]-Inactive-2 Available Clones- [url=http://www.roleplayerguild.com/topics/40778/posts/ooc?page=8#post-1236397]Rin Ohmahazet[/url] - The Roman07 (CS IS WIP)[/s] --- [center][img=http://i1298.photobucket.com/albums/ag58/Silux45/ACHIEVEMENTS_zps29f3c159.png][/center] --- An idea from a good friend of mine. Most of these are for fun, but they give you little fun things to try for, even if the majority are only explained / unlocked after you actually do them. The list will be updated continually. Shut up. This is fun, trust me. [i]I'm a cat.[/i] [hider=General][u][b]General[/b][/u] Severe Rectal Trauma [i]?[/i] What’s That Beeping? [i]?[/i] Overkill [i]?[/i] I Saw the Future [i]Have an accurate thought of your own mortality[/i] - [u]Achieved by horrodaily[/u] 'It only takes one fuck up....' First Blood [i]Deliver the killing blow to the first target[/i] I, Bender [i]?[/i] Free Me said the Man on Fire [i]?[/i] Release me to the Higher [i]?[/i] The Tank [i]Have your weakness exploited but survive[/i] Wrath of the Gunzerker [i]?[/i] Mistified [i]?[/i] I Dun Goofed [i]Be the first death[/i] Whacky Larry [i]Kill the guard who is whacking off [/i] Probably Not Great [i]Have a target escape[/i] Stars Fell [i]Have your entire team die in one mission [/i] Starfallen [i]?[/i] Am I Pretty Yet? [i]?[/i] How did I get these scars? [i]?[/i] Ghost in the Light [i]?[/i] Taking out the Trash [i]Kill someone with or against a blunt object in the environment [/i] [u]Achieved by TTwoThumbsUp[/u] Here’s Johnny! [I]?[/i] The Ephemeral of Starfall [I]Break the Oppression and kill the Ethe'ral Arakarthis[/i] Judas and the Sheep [I]?[/i] Into the Night [I]Complete a mission without alerting a single guard[/i] Dust to Dust [I]?[/i] Hungry Phantoms [I]?[/i] Kneecapped [I]?[/i] Choking Force [I]Suffocate a guard or target[/i] [u]Achieved by HeyNow[/u] This Star is my Star. There are many like it… [I]Liberate a star[/i] Collateral Damage [I]?[/i] Taste the Void [I]?[/i] We, The Godkillers [I]Kill an Arakath[/i] You’re Breakin’ My Balls, Here [I]?[/i] Tender Calamari [I]?[/i] The Defector [I]Recruit a certain individual[/i] Below A Thousand Shadows [I]Survive the the Final Mission.[/i][/hider] [hider=Character] Eilzabeth Colt - Cyborg Rampage [i]Kill two enemies in a row, one with a headshot and the other with a critical melee kill[/i] Pinnochio Alexis Ignalls - That helmet with that armour plating? [i]Kill a guard unnecessarily simply because of his fashion choice[/i] Sirius Korvekt - Don't mess with the Tylonian! [i]Avoid a fatal strike with your precognition and then score a lethal headshot on the assailant[/i] Harvin Tong - Heavy Death Metal [i]Engage 3+ enemies at once in an open firefight and gun them all down with the Hellkid[/i] [/hider] --- [center][img=http://i1298.photobucket.com/albums/ag58/Silux45/TARGETS_zps86acaf64.png][/center] --- [center][img=http://i1298.photobucket.com/albums/ag58/Silux45/STARFALLTARGETSPNG_zps2a0fcb79.png][/center] --- [center][img=http://i1298.photobucket.com/albums/ag58/Silux45/MAP_zps81b17363.png][/center] --- The map will be updated and changed as the sector is wrangled free from the grasp of the Arakath. Red is enemy control, blue is Ephemeral Control. Each object is a star, with the exception of Starfall Prime-1, a wormhole. [img=http://i1298.photobucket.com/albums/ag58/Silux45/STARFALLMAP_zpscd8933cf.jpg] --- Feel free to ask any questions.