[quote=slint] Loud, academically deficient, and an iron liver to boot. Amy was born to two earthy-crunchy (and rather successful) artists in Manhattan's East Village. As she got older she grew less interested in things like Calculus and Chem, instead following her parent's path of "self-expression." Self-expression for Amy apparently contained a lot of late nights, road trips, assorted substance abuse, and directionless wandering around Manhattan in the wee hours of the morning with a crew of "good shits." Amy's the first one to the bar/keg/liquor handle, you'd be hard-pressed to find her swaying too far away from any .Her real calling, her drive to live was found in film-making early on. She was accepted into NYU's Tisch School of the Arts as a film major after her short horror film (shot in the New Jersey woods with a few actor buddies and a very tired group of faithful friends) impressed the department. They were particularly excited with how much she was able to accomplish with so little resources and it was good enough to be entered into that year's student film festival. She attended the premier as a "student-to-be."Though when considering "traditional academics" Amy is somewhat of a dolt, she's not quite EXACTLY the archetypal party girl (but don't be mistaken, she IS the party girl). Her time spent growing up in NY taught her to be strong, helped her develop a good lick of common sense, and made her a charmer socially. She won't be winning any academic decathlons in the near future, but she understands her peers and lives for those long idyllic nights with them. [/quote] Accepted.