Quirking an eyebrow at Jack as he watched Alice drift off, Marabelle felt a smile form on her lips. There was more than a brother-sister love going on. Although she always knew her daughter's love of the Navigator, she had almost been certain that it wasn't returned. Alas, here he was, staring longingly down at Alice with the same expression that appears on her husband's face as he gazes at her. "I've got it from here, Jack. Go get something to eat. Your mother is cooking." With a shake of her head as he vanished out of the room, Marabelle allowed herself to laugh. Never in a million years did she expect things to turn out this way. Dipping a rag into a basin of fresh water, she got to work cleaning up her daughter's wounds. ---------- The sudden opening of the door nearly startled Elijah off of the bed. Untangling his limbs from Josephine's in one fluid movement, he stared blearily at the intruder, reaching for a weapon that wasn't there. "Amy? What's wro--" All at once, his mind cleared and he realized now what Amy had walked in on. Looking down, the sheet had pooled around his waist, hiding the fact he was wearing pants, while Josephine's leg was bare and tucked on top of said sheet. "T-t-this is really n-not what it looks like!" He stammered, his face turning a brilliant crimson.