[center]Nikki Ivy [IMG]http://imageprocessor.websimages.com/width/406/crop/0,0,406x228/oi58.tinypic.com/2qd5vfb.jpg[/IMG] 20 years of age, been the only Metra left from the planet for four years. [b]Status:[/b] Not only is she single, but she is the last of her kind. [b]Occupation:[/b] Bounty Hunter in the far future. Turning in her pray to the GP (Galactic Police) or whoever paid her to find the individual(s). [b]Personality:[/b] Young Nikki is hard shell, she witnessed her father's death and found her mother strung up by her organs in her home town square in the war that destroyed, this all happened 4 years ago and she still is hard shell. But she learned that not talking can be worse then talking so she started to speak again after the first year of being alone. Soon she became sarcastic, insulting and arrogant in her manors. She hasn't found many people that can best her between her wit and her skills with swords, guns and hidden blades. [b]Biography:[/b] Nikki Ivy, warrior girl (a princess none-the-less) from a planet that everyone died from a horrible war, her species is known as Metra; she can levitate things up to 400 pounds but she has to act out the action in some form or another, she can't do it with just her mind. The amount that she can lift it doubled by her age. She regularly wakes up from a flash back to her life changing after she found out everyone was dead and make her a bounty hunter for whoever will pay her due to her skills. She's not invulnerable, she can still get injured and/or die and has many enemies from her job not to mention the people that wanted her planet destroyed. The blue hair is the trait of her people. She should be pale but her mother was an Indian woman from earth so she's very tan. Even though she is a half blood, she embraces both parts of her heritage and studies them in with a passion, believing that knowing both is important for her to remember everything about her home. Not only the bad things of the war and her parents deaths, but the good things and the happy things.[/center]