[center][b]Name:[/b] Rowan Kiel [b]Age:[/b] 23 [b]Appearance:[/b] Rowan stands at a height of 6 feet evenly, weighing just under 200 lbs. He has an athletic figure, built from life on his desert home planet. Tanned skin encompasses his body evenly, all across. His face is a mixture of chiseled and soft features, giving him a handsome frame. His jaw is even and a bit wide, with his chin rounded out at the end. Above the chin is a pair of lips that are drawn together and pursed, but with the top and bottom very even. Rowan's nose neither sinks in nor sticks out, sitting in the middle of that range with a natural shape. He has complete heterochromia iridum, giving him a pale blue left eye and a pale green right eye. These mismatched eyes sit evenly in there sockets, with smaller lids that are accustomed to the brightness of the intense planet he calls home. A full brow sits atop his eyes, being slightly curved. Long, ginger hair is kept in a low tail. [b]Occupation:[/b] Assassin-turned-bounty hunter, choosing to go a more legal route. Though, may take assassination contracts from time to time, out of habit. [b]Status:[/b] Single [b]Personality:[/b] Cool-headed and patient, with manners and a rare politeness to those who treat him with the same respect. Rowan thinks before acting, because you don't get a second chance most of the time. [b]Biography:[/b] Rowan was born to a nomadic clan on Leor, a desert planet. During the day, temperatures reach a scorching point. And during the night, temperature drop to bone-chilling. The harsh climate of Leor hardened Rowan's body from a young age, learning how to look and observe, sensing things that would normally go under the radar of other people. At the age of 16, he left home and found work with a small group of assassins, running with them for a few years. After taking a turn for the worse, the group split up and went their separate ways. Rowan then turned to bounty hunting, making a living doing legal work, but does assassinations on the side for special clients.[/center]