With a Kingdom under my belt, I was feeling very content with my accomplishments. I set about securing good matches for my offspring. [img=http://i.imgur.com/DnFyFNh.png] Surely was betrothed to a minor Breton noble; he has a claim on the Duchy of Brittany which would be useful later. [img=http://i.imgur.com/zij6tld.png] Jorrick was betrothed to the Queen of Wessex. If the marriage went through, his children would have been Kings of Firsia and Wessex. :( While I was looking for a good match for BlueRose (She ended up hooking up with a Brabant noble who somehow became disinherited :<), I heard news of corruption. My wife, working as a spymaster, went to investigate.. [img=http://i.imgur.com/uqcIbXs.png] No! My wonderful life! Who will I make babies with now? [img=http://i.imgur.com/ZwemQLQ.png] I found a Duchess in Aquitaine who was young and unwed. If she reached adulthood I'd gain the Duchy for the family.. But alas she died. I tried marrying her sister, but she lost her Duchy to an Usurper. Surely's marriage, however, went swimmingly. The Breton noble arrived in court and I set about making arrangements for their wedding gift - the Duchy of Brittany. First, I plotted to murder the current elderly Duke. He croaked after a few attempts and his underage son took charge. Then, I pressed Surely's husband's claim. [img=http://i.imgur.com/gXzBFT3.png] The war ended quickly (the Breton vassals had rebelled against the Duke), and Surely was now a Duchess. Not a bad present, if I do say so myself! After the war, I began to plan for Jorrick's wedding - all the preparations were in place, but then he caught a cold. Unfortunately, Pneumonia took his life (stupid weak heir) [img=http://i.imgur.com/6Zu9C4u.png] Now I'm without a male heir, and it looks like Surely will inherit the Kingdom. There are worse possible fates for Frisia, as Surely is very competent, but I'd rather leave a male on the throne for the security of the realm. While I searched for a new bride to make babies with, I heard news of BlueRose and [s]Gerrit[/s]Turt's child, Honk. [img=http://i.imgur.com/WCOpddl.png] And right after that THE GAME CRASHED so there may be some retcon. The van Spam dynasty grows steadily!