[quote=Rune_Alchemist] I know there's no rush, but I'd like to get it all down in some permanent form sooner rather than later. [/quote] Well I say your most motivated to create something new, when your face with something you actually have to do :P. But in all seriousness being stressed out about it will only make your work worse, and average at best. I think you should take a small break,and maybe go back to it after a bit of relaxation, or at least doing something different to clear your mind. Just a bit of a tip, it doesn't always work, but I find it can be very useful when I'm trying to think of characters, race, or even worlds. @Closet Nerd I think the tomboyish idea sounds nice, even though it isn't helping you really build on it, I want to at least let you know I think your taking a step in the right direction with the MC.