[indent]Dahlia ruffled her hair as the dull bus came to a stop. Flipping open her compact mirror, she fixed the dark purple lipstick on her lips, redefining her angular cupids bow before placing it into the front pocket of her back pack and standing with the others. She curled her lip in disgust as she shuffled through the bus of other students, doing her damnedest not to brush up against any of them as if their inferiority was contagious. As she descended the bus steps, she looked down to the girl awaiting the new arrivals. Smoothing out the hem of her shorts, she waited behind a male who seemed too cheerful for his own good. "Excuse me.. Sebastian? I am Dahlia, Dahlia Mavro." she interjected, stepping forward to the woman as if to be taken care of first. "I'm sure the Administration is surely waiting for my arrival." she insisted to the girl, crossing her arms and tapping her foot impatiently for a response from either of them.[/indent] [i](Clothes Reference: [url=http://www.polyvore.com/cgi/set?id=125544196]○[/url])[/i]