Leo couldn't help smiling as the girl known as Rebel shyly introduced herself. She barely managed to whisper it. Then, he bust out laughing when she got excited about a Flygon that was passing by overhead. His intuition about her had been right. She had even said the lines from the show almost word for word. "Hehe! oh my gosh! You are so cute!" He exclaimed as he threw his arms around the girl, and gave her a big hug. "You really are just like Fluttershy! I think we're gonna get along great!" He then let go, before he accidentally suffocated the girl. "I like Flygon too. It's one of the cutest Dragon types ever! Well, besides Dragonite, Altaria, and Goodra, but I see Flygon more often where I live." Then, one of the senior rangers called everyone's attention so everyone could pledge allegeance. Leo dug through his pink backpack, pulled out his capture styler, and held it up in the air the same way everyone else was doing. He then recited the oath, although he mumbled the "to not let any emotions or personal interests get in the way of my duty" part under his breath. He would try not to let it affect his duty, but he wasn't comfortable guaranteeing that. Leo never understood what was up with these organizations and feelings. Feelings were great! Unless it was anger, that wasn't so nice. Yeah, they weren't always right, but it was better than being cold and unemotional. Besides, sometimes following your heart can be good. He watched in awe, as all of the rangers' capture stylers began to glow. The boys eyes were wide with excitement. "Wow! This is awesome!" he exclaimed. He was officially a ranger now. Then he jumped, and let out a yelp as the device gave him a small electric shock. "GAH!" He suddenly dropped the styler, then bent down to pick it back up. The lady ranger exclaimed that the shock was the styler registering them, so only they could use their styler. That made sense, but they could have told them that before shocking them. Then, she passed around some pieces of paper that listed the missions they could take. Leo nodded, thanking the older ranger as he took the pape. He looked at the paper, then showed it to his teammate. "So Fluttershy, which mission should we do? I like Help missions personally, but I also like Fairy types, and there's this Hunt mission involving Clefairy that I wanna do..." Before Leo could get an answer, something unexpected happened. He felt a chill down his spine. When he turned around, he saw that a Dusknoir suddenly invaded the camp. After that, everything had happened so quickly, Leo barely had time to react. The Ghost type whacked a boy on the head, then sucked out his life force, seemingly at random. Thankfully, one of the senior rangers managed to make the scary Ghost go away, but the damage was already done. A new ranger was killed before he even had a chance to do anything. Someone even tried to give the poor guy CPR, but nothing happened. Leo watched the whole scene unfold in shock. His eyes were wide, and his hand covered his open mouth. Even though he hadn't really gotten a chance to get to know the victim, his eyes were still watering from how sad this whole thing was. "Oh my gosh!" He couldn't believe what he had just witnessed. He had never experienced a death before. All sorts of thoughts ran through the boys mind, Why would a wild Pokemon do such a thing? Sure, Ghost types get bad reputations, but he had always been taught that Pokemon weren't evil, only evil trainers that make their Pokemon do bad things? If that were the case, that meant some bad guy wanted them dead. Who would do such a thing? They were just new rangers just starting out their careers, they hadn't hurt anybody. "He was so young! Who would do something like this?!"