Ryuu walked into a bank. [b]" Hello, everybody. It's time for crime."[/b] she shouted gleefully. The whole bank looked at her. Ryuu laughed, she then used her magic to change the qualities of her laugh. The laughter burst the eardrums of every person besides Ryuu, who wears headphones that block out all noise. Ryuu then proceeded to steal the banks money. Using the stolen money Ryuu bought a machine gun. [i]This should hide my magic for a while, and it will inspire terror in the hearts of others,[/i] Ryuu though. An strange man walked up to her, he was obviously an ordinary citizen. The man said something, but Ryuu made his own words burst his eardrums. The man lay on the ground, dead. Ryuu walked away laughing, machine gun in hand. [hider= Ryuu] [b]Current Information the Characters Know [/b] Name: Ryuu Age: 15 Gender: Female Appearance: ???? Ability: ???? Personality: ???? Bio: ???? [/hider]