Ren wasn't too sure what to make of what they had just learned. They had been having a happy enough conversation enough a moment ago just to be abruptly shifted to the city and told their grim fates. Like the other players he was having a difficult time believing it, thinking it was just a joke. There was no way someone would do this, he reasoned, it had to be a prank. Why then had they been changed into their 'real' selves? When he looked down into the mirror at hand Ren couldn't believe it, seeing his boyish face looking right back at him. So he was really in the game now, or as close to being so as one could. What was going to become of them if they were trapped? Moreover, what would happen should their gear be removed? They just might live if they could somehow scrape through the game, but how pointless was that effort if their equipment were to be removed and they die that way? In a split second it felt as though the world around them was crumbling, and this game was now the absolute worst thing to happen to them. Struggling with the numbness that overtook his body he looked around himself, seeing the panic that was setting in over the rest of the community. It was a normal reaction, so why couldn't he do that? There wasn't the same panic in him, only a dull numbness one might describe as hopelessness. If they were trapped in this game and essentially sentenced to die why go on? Falling into a pit of despair Ren was readying himself for a moot and miserable existence. If not for a familiar voice calling his name then he would have just sat there and let what come may. Looking at Komada sadly as she sought solace in him. What words could he possibly offer to console her over something like this? Who was he to be able to console anyone right now? Her friend, he supposed, perhaps the only one in here with her. Possibly the only person she knew at all in the entire game, and the one person she could turn to. Still, without anything really good to say at the moment all Ren could do was put an arm around her, pulling his friend to his chest in a hug. It might be hell now, but as long as they stayed together then they should be okay. Strength in numbers, right? "Come on, we should get going," he muttered, voice devoid of really any emotion.Taking his arm back he sighed, turning himself and beginning to walk through the crowd. Realistically he was now faced with a nasty dilemma, namely that they now needed to clear the entire game just to survive. The chances of their being the ones to do so were incredibly slim, but if it meant getting Komada out then he'd do his best. The big question now was where in the world were they supposed to go? By what they had been told they had to ascend the floors to be free, but that was a tall order to fill. Running out to try it now was only going to get them killed too, so that was no good. For now their only real option was to just find a place to sit down and get their thoughts together. Looking over his shoulder to make certain Komada was following he reached back, snatching up her hand wordlessly. With everyone around them in hysterics he wasn't going to get separated from her, not when she needed him... And him her. "We're going to be all right... We're going to make it through this." It was almost mechanical the way he spoke, but he was trying his best to keep her calm. Smiling faintly he kept going, trying to think of some topic to get her in better spirits. "Kind of glad those ears are gone... They looked silly on you. What were you thinking getting those?" he teased, trying to get her mind off this even if for a moment.