Dante watched the train leave the station with mixed feelings of concern and determination. Concern that the guards would recognize him, that there had been some sort of capture order issued and he'd be stopped when he tried to leave - but that hadn't happened until now, and it was unlikely that it would at this stage. Determination because he had set himself a task to do, and he was going to carry it out. A guard approaching derailed his thoughts, and he grabbed his suitcase and quickly walked past, towards the station's exit. Nobody stopped him, and he found himself smiling widely as he took a deep breath, stretching his arms. Despite his status as a vagrant, he looked pretty respectable - a leather trench coat, closed, and trousers as black as the leather, finished with worn, thick military boots. Perhaps if he'd been more bulky he would've looked intimidating, but he was slightly smaller than your average guy. It wasn't bad when he wanted to go unnoticed, yes, but he would've preferred to be taller all the same. The setting sun tickled his face with its last few beams, warming him up just slightly and painting a half smile on his usually serious face. He stood still for a few seconds, just enjoying his freedom, before returning to reality. First things first, he thought passing a hand through his short hair, almost as black as his clothes. Finding a place to sleep in was secondary to finding the address he'd read in the lab's documents - he wouldn't die if he had to sleep out on the street once, but he was definitely curious to know what had made that particular house important. So he stopped and asked the first young passerby he found. As he'd hoped, the guy was friendly enough to pull out his cellphone and look up where the street was found, and then sent him on his way - it was pretty far from here and he'd have to take the public transport, but it wasn't like he was in any rush so with a smile and a wave he set off in the direction he was pointed towards. He didn't notice the man getting walked through by another citizen before walking through a wall himself. On the way, he couldn't help look at everything and anything, drinking in the sights - the tall buildings, the parks, the cars and the streets, everything was still so new to him that he approached it all with caution. The bus stop was full of people waiting as he was, and he quickly noticed that he would have to pay when he got on the bus. He did so successfully after waiting for what felt for an eternity, and after walking for another while finally arrived at the marked address. It looked very normal, surprisingly normal even. Not really deserving of any kind of surveillance, at least. Unsatisfied, he opened his backpack, pulling out an army knife. He looked at the weapon hesitantly for a few seconds, then finally unsheathed it and pressed the blade to the palm of his hand, closing his eyes and slicing through the skin in a quick motion that somehow drew no blood as he muttered under his breath. When he opened his eyes again, their usual black irises were replaced by ferocious, bloodshot red ones. The wind howled around him, currents of magic ebbing and flowing in a neverending chaos, a cacophony of color that mesmerized at times and terrified at others - but in this case, it only disappointed. There still was nothing unusual about the house. With a sigh, he put the clean knife back and sat down near the house. A disappointing start for his first task. He considered leaving, but until the spell wore off it was hard to tell which of the multiple "floors" he was seeing was the real one, so he just closed his eyes and rested his head against the wall, hugging one knee. A crashing sound echoed and made him open his eyes again with a start, staring at the house. Something was happening, the currents were distorting. He just watched, mesmerized. This could be just what he had come for.