Takuma was about to shoot an arrow at an unsuspecting squirrel. Out of nowhere, a rooster call happened that made him move his bow, just a little bit, right before he shot it. It missed him, and the squirrel ran away from the noise. [b] Well, whatever. There will be more [/b] he said to himself, as he went to retrieve the arrow from the ground. [b] Besides, there are more pressing issues to worry about. Like, what is with that voice? It has been whispering for about a month now. Why do I have to go to the hero of time festival? Also, how does the fate of all life on Hyrule depend on it? I can't really do whatever it is on my own. Hopefully, there are more people it has been summoning there. Well, I better start going there now. It will start soon [/b] He started to walk out of the woods, quickly stopping to eat a few berries he found on the way. [i] Let's get this over with [/i] he thought to himself once he got near Kakariko Village. Even from where he was, he could smell all kinds of food. He saw the castle in the distance, as big as ever. He was tempted to buy something, but he had all the food he needed for the moment. While pretty much everyone was happy, he felt somewhat uneasy, though he didn't let it show. He decided to walk around a bit until he found out what that voice was talking about. He saw a sign that small fish were being sold for 'just' fifty rupees. He remembered when he could get it for free. But, fish had been running out, and accusations were flying about who was hoarding the fish. He didn't really care that much about it though.