[i]So you wish to hear the story do you? The story of how the world had come to an end? [img=http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v30/Kottke/Muir%20Woods/5cm%20Per%20Second/5CentimetersPerSecond11.jpg] Well of course the world didn't really end, that's the curse of humanity isn't it? To hold on until the bitter end. That's why we still have water, still have a sky, still have a home we can return to. Unlike before, where soot had covered the air and man went to great lengths to kill their God. The end of the world...what a laugh. Our cities had fallen but we still hold onto some semblance of the world of old, how does that signify any great end to our way of life- Right, I apologize. Excuse the ramblings of an old woman, it's been too long since the great fires had come to our world. But...you did come to me, a forgetful hag, to learn of an art that abandoned us long ago at our worst. Our best depending on how you look at it [Omit Laughter] This knowledge was never forgotten, you greedily paw for information that you have had access to for dozens of years! How could you even possibly forget, the fuel of our world that had ironically destroyed what it had come to build? It had brought the Great Fires, what had (so to speak) ended the world [Omit Laughter] A hurry, a rush? You look at my bandages in pity, or disgust, but you have no idea what these wrappings really mean do you? You've never seen The Great Fires, you've never experienced the Shattering when civil order had died. You live in this perfect world of grass and blue skies, of rain that always comes and brings life to this last bastion of humanity. You never have experience the weight that my generation has experienced, vicariously knowing that a gun kills even though you've never fired one. But... You wish to learn of magic do you?[/i] - [i]I was but a girl so I could hardly remember much, it wasn't as if they gave children the right to be gods. But they might as well, the way the people would play with a new power as a child might play with a new toy. We never change. The date or weapon we hold might change, but it was just as well to learn that we never could. When the day had come that magic had come into our world, everyone proclaimed the start of a golden era. How funny it was...to literally ignore the gun we were placing to our heads. We all lost purpose, we had nothing to strive for when we were granted everything. We are destructive creatures, mere children in bodies that wither with age. There was anger and frustration when nothing was left to distract us, when we turned on our neighbors and destroyed everything in one big temper tantrum. But there was nothing I could do...there was nothing anyone could do. How do you find a power greater than magic? How do suppress the force of billions of gods? This is where you leave disappointed. I can tell you stories from my childhood when magic had yet to come to our "perfect" world. I can relate to you the atrocities that happened in the streets with no accountability. I can share with you my story from the Shattering, how a man had come to make me bleed simply because he could. Or how my mother bled for differing reasons. How my father burned alive, how my friends killed themselves in agony or my bullies left in the migrations out of fear. I can share with you how the Great Fires fell from the sky and melted the land, cleansing our sin in a rain that would last a lifetime. I know many things, but you already know what I do not know. Why has this magic returned? [Omit Laughter] You think I waste your time do you, storming out that door now? I can assure you I do know something. This entire situation is ironic. You fear the very thing that potentially could save you.[/i] *** [hider=Notable Events] [b]The World of Old:[/b] An event in time where magic had yet to come into the world. Nothing is known about this period despite what others may say, accounts either forgotten or highly skewed from witness accounts. Any sort of documentation had been destroyed in the Great Fires, however because of this The World of Old grew into a sort of utopian idea in the hearts of many. A time before magic, before the world fell a part, and before humans had any sort of worry in the world. The truth would most likely be less kind. [b]Discovery:[/b] The World of Old consists entirely of speculation or sloppy witnessed accounts, and the arrival of magic was no different. No one knew how it arrived, only that when it did the world would be forever changed. As a flame hits gasoline access to this ability grew, and while some chose to stay away for one reason or another eventually most succumbed to the powers of a god. Whether it was the manipulation of natural elements to the bending of matter itself, magic became just as destructive as it was helpful. [b]The Shattering:[/b] The event that would signify the end of the World of Old. While there were isolated cases of civil disorder, this was the tipping point where society broke into all out anarchy. Governments fell, citizens were slaughtered, and a worldwide war broke out by those who possessed the powers of magic. There would be no rules to follow, simply choices to be made. Kill, rape, pillage, fight, run, people chose what they wished to...yet those without magic could only slit their own throats. [b]The Great Fires:[/b] The concluding chapter in this trilogy of magic's arrival, "The End of the World" so to speak. Most everyone would be killed as the sky would collapse, enveloping the land in flames that strangely could not be stopped. It was almost as if a god himself was reaching down to purge the world from sin, wiping away the power that humans possessed for such a glimmer of time. The destruction receded, the survivors emerged, and those that were left struggled to rebuild. The magic once known was gone. [b]Present Day:[/b] Only a measly number of humans are left, and that number is falling. With wildlife closing in on bastions of human civilization it is hard to survive, no matter how much water or food is available. Those who are left form tight knit communities(Or tribes) to combat any hostile creatures, however there are accounts of cities around the world struggling to maintain themselves. The cities that do exist however have little means to expand and view anything outside of its walls as hostile. [/hider] [hider=Notable Locations] [b]Atlas:[/b] One of the remaining few cities left in the world. Surviving off of archaic technology the city powers it's devices through the use of AMATERASU (AMA for short), a highly efficient mineral that is mined in the caves underneath the city. Those who don't mine or work in agricultural fields that border the city, contained by the mountains or walled checkpoints, are generally rare and born into their way of life. With exceptions of a police force, the roles of government and nobility run in the family(however formal education to all children under the age of 15 is required no matter what background). The infrastructure itself is wheel shaped with a central spire reaching up towards the sky, housing the various noble families that run the city's day to day activities. Along with the cave system that contains the cities power source there is also a sewer that runs deep underground, disposing of the waste in a neighboring ocean unseen by most citizens of Atlas. Life is quiet, livened by the occasional holiday normally celebrating the rains that supply Atlas with crops and water. Most know their roles in life and generally follow it, those who deviate find themselves disappearing quietly from Atlas. People know to follow governmental policy, respect the nobles, and to NEVER think of leaving into The Outlands. With the destruction of an AMA storage facility, this was of life will start to change. [b]The Outlands:[/b] Untamed wilderness that dominates the open landscape, anything untouched by human development after the Great Fires had come and gone. Not only is the land dangerous to trek in but there are as well ferocious creatures of immense size that walk the soil, hostile to any human that may cross their paths. On some occasions these creatures have been known to invade human settlements, wiping out anything in their path. Aside from the wildlife, poisonous plants, dangerous trails, and occasional Marked One (Human tribal living in The Outlands) wishing to kill you the land really is a beautiful place. The Great Fires may have destroyed the World of Old, yet it would leave a landscape even more beautiful in the wake of its destruction. It's a shame that very few come to enjoy it in their lifetime. [/hider] [hider=Notable Groups] [b]Citizens:[/b] Residents that make up the remaining few cities existing in the world, survivors that massed together in attempts to survive this new land together. Most have set jobs, making things run smoother as there simply isn’t the numbers for many people to perform tasks that they love to do. Yet no one questions this way of life, too afraid to think of any alternative outside of their walled in existence. Along with nobles, younger children are required “formal” education. [b]Nobles:[/b] Families that had survived the wrath of the Great Fires and chose the path of leadership. Using their roles in government as credibility to their lifestyle, Nobles live a very cushioned life in the respective cities they are found in. While they vary from place to place most are placed in a distinct, typically raised, locations to signify their positions of power. While most people in government are born into the role, some have been known to be replaced if utterly incompetent. [b]The Sky Brigade:[/b] The police force of Atlas, used to keep the peace and ensure that the status quo of life remains the same. The group is run by an overall chief to oversee operations with various lieutenants that rule under them, assigned to specific districts of Atlas to evenly disperse security. While not typically an anti-magic group, with the arrival of magic once again the group has violently turned to stopping it. How they’ve acquired the technology to stopping it is unknown. [b]The Marked Ones:[/b] Humans who live in The Outlands, either denied or willingly secluded away from city life. These people form small tight knit communities, or Tribes, and rarely ever grow large to avoid attracting beasts. They are distinguished by the tribal markings they wear all over their bodies, speculated to be the blood of Outland beasts in order to once again detract any invading creatures (But not officially known). Despite city belief, most tribes are generally civilized. [b]Heaven’s Hand:[/b] A group of humans that have rallied together against other survivors, ironically viewing humanity’s continued existence as a sin against their god. Believing the Great Fires to have been a final judgment against the entire world, they work towards destroying any settlement they find their way across. Combating the hypocrisy their group stands for, they as well believe that they were granted life by their god to as well fulfill this holy mission, to finish what he started. [/hider] [hider=Notable Terms] [b]AMA:[/b] The mysterious mineral used to power much of the devices of cities and tribes alike. Very little is known of just how the mineral works, however being highly efficient with very little pollutants released not many people question such a thing. It is noted by its glowing blue color. [/hider] [hider=Bestiary] [i][No Data Available][/i] [/hider] [hider=Magic] [i]-Excerpt of an Atlas scholar[/i] [As it has just reemerged not much is known about exactly how it works. Continue to research.] Magic remains just as enigmatic as it was in The World of Old. Reemerging soon after a terrorist attack on an AMA storage facility it is speculated that the two events may be related. However considering that Heaven’s Hand gains little from giving people once again the power of a god such a belief is unlikely, and the real reason for its emergence continues to remain a mystery. As much as many wish to disbelief it though, magic has indeed returned into the world. While the abilities a few citizens have acquired vary, it appears as if the true extent of their power isn’t showing. Either there is something inside of these people that’s limiting their true abilities from showing or the stories of magic from the World of Old are a load of dust. Either way these people seem tamable, and the Sky Brigade is fully jumping on this advantage in the most brutal of ways. How Atlas’s police force has the technology to go against magic is still unknown. I have decided to rank magic in a sort of system of tiers, if my theory is correct a user’s power there remains untouched power that a person still has yet to develop. Whatever the reason or ability I have decided to ranks a person’s ability based off of tiers: while such abilities far transcend a neat category such as this, it provides some simplified way of defining how dangerous a user could be. Say a person used his magic to clone himself. Tier 1: A person conjures a copy of oneself, a short distraction to avoid danger. Tier 2: The clone improves, able to last longer and provide adequate assistance in combat. Tier 3: The clone continues to improve, now working alongside its user tactically. Tier 4: The strength of the clone increases, including duration and defense. Tier 5: The number of clones conjured increases, two bodies fight alongside the main conjurer. Tier 6: Etc... A person’s magic extends far beyond even physical capabilities however. Some gain the power to control elements of the natural world, yet others have been noted to have the ability to control a person’s mind. Such variation and extent of such impossibilities is phenomenal! The correlation between a person’s power and their personality is still being studied, along with exactly why a person’s power is hidden and how is it unlocked. This may be a golden age for discovery! [/hider] [hider=Atlas: The City of Rain] [b][Buckle up boys and girls. Welcome to our vague yet specific setting][/b] A city located on the eastern coast of an unknown continent. It is not known whether Atlas is a survivor from The World of Old or simply a new creation; however it consists of human descendants surviving the best they can against Outland monstrosities. Surrounded on all sides by either mountains or steel walls, Atlas locates itself within a valley of sunshine and grassy fields. While spacious, most of the surrounding land is devoted to crops and water collection. The city itself is spiral shaped in the center of this valley, looking more like a collection of steel and pipes than a city itself. While not too pretty to look at it is highly functional, using an intricate piping system to transport electrically powering AMA or water for residence. There are a secondary set of walls surrounding the city itself from the outer fields, however the overall appearance of Atlas isn’t at all frightening. Soft paint colors are used to displace the dark metals. A variety of other coverings and banners decorate the entire city, not at all practical but generally contributions craftsmen make to liven up their home. Various festivals are as well celebrated in Atlas, normally celebrating necessities such as their valley’s safety or the rainfall that is received. These festivals generally include unique dress, specialty dishes, group dances, or anything to take the mind off of workers for a day. During festivals school and work is suspended for that time. At the very center of Atlas houses its attraction point, seen by all ends of the valley: Titan’s Fist(Shortened normally to Titan). A large central spire that reached up to the sky, this structure is the city’s focal point in not only appearance but government as well. The base contains areas where the government meets, research centers, and noble housing with the top serving as a sort of observatory and watch tower. When looking towards Atlas, all eyes rest here. Nobles in Atlas are members born into a royal family, however in more common cases than expected a citizen may marry into noble blood should they catch a noble’s eye. There are nine noble families in total each presiding over a certain part of Atlas; however no one family has more power over another. City policies as a whole are decided through the meetings of elected representatives by each family, the representative gaining the highly influential title of Councilman. Despite this way of life people are not unhappy, rather content with the safety and peace they’ve been given. A schedule is given and holidays are used to avoid the monotony of life. Children under 16 are required to attend schooling, mostly a tool to acclimate them to their city’s way of life, and to keep them away from restlessness. Most children fall into a farmer or miners way of life; however some are known to be chosen for more specific jobs depending on their skills. -Some highly intelligent children are known to be recruited to more scientific related fields in Atlas. Some become city leaders assisting nobles with their work and some may even become Outland surveyors on the outside of Atlas(However his job isn’t publically known, and those who do become a surveyor are never again allowed to enter Atlas or its valley). This system is an effective way to weed out talent and simple cogs to replace Atlas’s current machinery. The city’s police force is known as The Sky Brigade, a group of volunteer citizens and nobles who keep the peace in Atlas. Their numbers are generally few considering the harsh training and little incentives for joining, yet what they lack in numbers they make up in with equipment. From guns to knock a person out cold, electric batons for severe punishment, or gas to simply deal in large crowds they’re equipped to deal with any situation. Even, rumor has it, a magical threat. -Leadership in The Sky Brigade involves a Chief who runs operations behind a desk and a field leader who directs operations on the front line. A Chief is nominated and elected by fellow officers, staying on the job however long he or she chooses (Unless they quit which some find themselves doing. Rarely is anyone ever fired, the amount of workload a Chief has deters any from simply slacking off). A field officer is chosen through exemplary service, appointed or removed by a Chief. Final notable locations include the AMA mines which many citizens find work in, the sewages systems many citizens hope to NOT find work in, the various ‘districts’ of Atlas(Housing, Crafting, Entertainment…), the inner agricultural fields, the outer fields containing more critters than crops, the walled checkpoints that are off limits to Atlas residents, and some mountainside paths that are DEFINITELY off limits to Atlas residents. Many secrets as well reside in that valley. -Atlas mines can be claustrophobic in some parts, yet most miners find themselves in huge wide open spaces consisting of many layers. Mined AMA from the lower tunnels are brought up to elevators, pulled up to mining carts, driven to underground processing plants, and finally brought up to Atlas warehouses where they are stowed and kept for use. Many other minerals are mined underground as well, such as iron to convert to steel or precious metal found time to time. -The inner fields generally involve a much quieter lifestyle. Those who work in the fields mostly just live there rather than in the city, and on the few occasions when they’re not farming or shipping food involve themselves in craftsman work. While most craftsman are born into the role, farmers tend to craft more personalized items for family or loved ones. Field workers often find themselves doubling up on jobs as well, ranging from construction to school teachers. Of course life isn’t perfect, some crime persists along with the one fear that can have friends turn on each other: Magic. Stories of The Shattering are kept clear in Atlas’s history, atrocities kept in the light to keep fear in the hearts of citizens. A simple accusation of magic can spark chaos in a crowd, sometimes forcing The Sky Brigade to step in and quell the panic. Despite magic’s disappearance after The Great Fires, no one ever forgets the devastation once caused. [Whelp that’s my city, specified on some parts and left others open to interpretation. Feel free to add any locations or functions that Atlas may hold, still I’ll be very appreciative if you notify the OOC beforehand.] [/hider] [center][u][b]RULES[/b][/u] Yup, time for the boring and not very interesting part. But I need to include this in here somewhere after all. 1. READ THE RULES! For the love of everything that you care about I'd appreciate it if you gave these puppies some sense of consideration. 2. Quality over Quantity. I make this mistake sometimes, but sometimes less really is more. *You're here based on your writing ability, while I may frown upon your two paragraph post I would rather see words that count rather than some disgusting word count. 3. Keep active please. A lot of RP's I've been in have died because of inactivity. So I'm making a rule here. If you are absent for longer than a week without posting you will receive a warning. If this persists without warning or a valid excuse beforehand I kill off your character. *If you are experiencing internet difficulty and rage at me for doing so here's the easy part: Just make a new character. 4. I'm not a Nazi, nor some all powering dictator with an unhealthy love towards his RP. If you have lore, a character, or any sort of element you wish to include into my RP do NOT hesitate to say so. I encourage creative freedom, and whether that be a direction of plot or a new location I encourage you to speak up and have your voice heard! I hope to make this RP a group collaborative effort. 5. Don't be dumb. I imagine you've all RP'd before, you know the general rules of how things works. Anyway that's about it, feel free to continue on if you wish to continue. [/center] [u][b]RECAP[/b][/u] [i]What has happened thus far?[/i] [hider=Premise] You are currently a resident of Atlas, how you live is up to you. [/hider] [hider=Prologue: A Spark to Ignite] Atlas is one of the last surviving human cities, surviving through an apocalyptic event that killed off nearly everyone. Life is peaceful and runs efficiently, however many residents suffer extreme paranoia and fear when it comes to the idea of magic. It only was a matter of time… Heaven’s Hand, a terrorist organization from the outlands, reveals itself to the city with a bang. Believing humanities existence to be sinful, they ironically turn their sights on the city of Atlas and begin by bombing one of the city’s AMA(Fuel) storage facilities. How these terrorists arrived are the least of Atlas's worries... While The Sky Brigade, Atlas’s police force, would temporarily push back these terrorists the impossible would happen. Magic, a power thought to be lost forever, has begun to reignite in a few Atlas residents. While only a terrible rumor now, those who posses this weakened gift begin to fear for their life... With the emergence of Heaven's Hand and the horrors of magic, Atlas's once peaceful lifestyle finds itself beginning to crumble away... [/hider] [hider=Character Template] [I'm debating on whether or not I wish to limit the number of characters accepted. Please place some effort when making them. Be creative!] [b]Name:[/b] [i]I can think of numerous ways people could screw this up. I faith in all of you that you can get this right.[/i] [b]Gender:[/b] [i]Can be argued against by some transsexuals, still your typical three option: Male, Female, and Spaghetti Monster (I'm completely kidding here, use common sense).[/i] [b]Age:[/b] [i]Whatever you wish, but believable. An eight year old or an eighty eight year old sounds a bit over reaching as a character, however choose whatever you can pull off.[/i] [b]Appearance:[/b] [i]Use whatever form of description you wish. I personally find a creative image more amusing, however a detailed description can trump a stock photo any day.[/i] [b]Magic(If applicable):[/b] [i]Magic works in a system of tiers. This can be argued against, but everyone starts with tier 1. Feel free to design your own powers based off of this system. An example can be found above in the magic section, but feel free to voice any questions you might have. If you can, please include the first couple of tiers to your power. Tier 2 should generally be your "fighting" abilities.[/i] [b]Personality:[/b] [i]How does your character react in certain situations? While what you place here is in no way their set attitude (Humanity and what not) please give a general description.[/i] [b]Background:[/b] [i]To get a better idea of your character. Be sure to include bullets current occupation, place of residence, reaction to the acquirement of magic (If applicable), etc.[/i] [b]Theme:[/b] [i]This was something fun I've discovered to be added to a character. If you wish feel free to include theme music to your character, something that describes them whether through fighting or simple presence.[/i] [/hider] [b][i][u]***Feel free to ask any questions, voice any concerns, offer up any ideas, express interest, post up meme pictures- etc. etc.***[/u][/i][/b]