[b][u]Name[/b][/u] Akemi Hirukawa [b][u]Gender[/b][/u] Female [b][u]Guardian[/b][/u] Her mother and Father, Kaho and Takumi [b][u]Physical Description[/b][/u] Akemi is a very unassuming girl. Looking at her, you wouldn’t accuse her of anything, whether is be who ate the last cookie in the cookie jar, cheating, vandalism… Anything. She looks like a very sweet, innocent young girl, her petite, slender frame and wide brown eyes reinforcing that illusion. Her sleek raven hair falls to her waist, and her skin tone is rather pale. [b][u]Mental Description[/b][/u] Her harmless appearance hides a very calculating mind. She is very manipulative, using her appearance to her advantage she is capable of maneuvering people in a subtle fashion to doing her bidding. Akemi is empty, she doesn’t have any aspirations or things to look forward to, simply existing for the expense of others. Despite her mental illness, she is good at hiding it, most of the people that know her don’t know of it. Akemi is amazing at acting normal, and is capable of acting friendly and drawing people in. [b][u]Illness of the Mind[/b][/u] She has hallucinations where she claims she can see, hear, and sense unnatural things (like ghosts, for example) Akemi also believes that she has some sort of precognitive abilities, but whether this is true or not is unknown. She also has absolute no will of her own. [b][u]Illness of the Body[/b][/u] While it’s technically not an illness, Akemi is a contortionist. [b][u]Prior History[/b][/u] Akemi was different, she always knew that. As a child, she always spoke of the ghosts and monsters that talked to her, but to the surprise of her parents, she wasn’t afraid of them. She chattered casually about how a man had brutally murdered someone in her hallucinations as if she was talking about her homework. Naturally, this terrified her parents so they sent her to a therapist who recommended that she express her ‘overactive imagination’ artistically. This was a bad idea, for Akemi’s artwork grew more and more gruesome each day, each of them belonging in a terrifying horror movie setting. Akemi’s sharp mind saw that she wouldn’t survive the world by continuing to embrace her hallucinations, so she stopped talking about them in public. She put on a persona of a normal girl, and discovered that by acting like this, she was well-liked and even popular to an extent. So she continued to portray normalcy, which relieved everyone around her. But while she acting normal, she began to grow more distant mentally, finally withdrawing from life completely and shutting herself in her room. Her hallucinations grew at this point, and it was often that her parents would hear maniacal laughter from behind her locked door. It was then, that her parents decided that Akemi would need serious help. [b][u]Likes[/b][/u] Flowers Acting Dressing Up Drawing Singing Dreaming Blood Monsters Ghosts Supernatural Occurrences [b][u]Dislikes[/b][/u] People Emotions Romance Disorder [b][u]Goal[/b][/u] Put simply, to be of use to someone. [b][u]Dreams[/b][/u] To find someone/something/anything that will help her feel something. [b][u]Primary Sin[/b][/u] Wrath [b][u]Skills and Talents[/b][/u] Akemi’s love for flowers has introduced her to the deadly art of botany, and she has studied various poisons and antidotes that you can extract from plants while she had shut herself away. Akemi is an amazing actress and has experimented with disguise. It’s presumable that in the future, she will use this to her advantage. As mentioned previously, Akemi will not be suspected of anything, due to her innocent appearance.