Name: Angelo Ortega Age: 120 Race: elf paragon Class: ranger Weapon: longbow Companion: white wolf Familiar: n/a Other: wears a ring passed down from his ancestor Bio: Angelo is a very curious person and that can sometimes get the better of him as he searches the world for relics of great importance to his race and of other races, as an elf Angelo has always had little trouble blending into his surroundings as he fought. He saw the world as something beautiful that should be explored to its fullest extent and will always do his best to protect his allies. With age came wisdom as he grew from a young elf to a mature ranger, throughout his training he learned how to be one with the forest and the animals that lived in them to be one of them, while learning he soon put his training to the test when he saw the beautiful white wolf and soon he befriended the great beast as his own comrade to fight along side. He searches the world and will keep searching to find whatever mystery's this land holds Appearance: [url=]