Name: Koria Age: 27 Race: Human Class: Beastmaster Weapon: Dagger Companion: Badger Other: Bio: In an attempt to escape terrible raid on their village, twelve-year-old Koria and her father travelled through the nearby woods to to reach the far off neighbouring town. Unfortunately, some bandits that had invaded the village followed the two and eventually trapping them in a small clearing. Koria's father managed to hide her before the bandits struck him down and looted him. It was at that point that Koria began her life in the wild. Learning through trial and error on what to eat, where to take shelter, and multiple other things, she became closer to nature and animals. At one point while she was hunting, Koria stumbled across a young badger kit. Taking pity on it, she took it in and raised it. The badger has never left her side since. Appearance: [img][/img] Not as much armour and clothes are a bit more ragged. Oh, and definitely no glowing sword. --- Strength: 18 Dexterity: 16 Constitution: 13 Wisdom: 16 Intelligence: 19 Charisma: 15 AC: 16 HP: 75 Skills: Handle Animals, Survival, Climb, Listen Pardon any mistakes you see here. It's currently 2 in the morning and I'm flat out exhausted.