[img]http://www.calwatchdog.com/wp-content/uploads/2012/08/Young-Frankenstein1.jpg[/img] @neko Good to have you. @Pathfinder Well you knocked that out of the park. I love how you build on the world and make a unique character who does not necessarily fit stereotype while simultaneously remaining true to the world. The only thing I'm a bit fuzzy on are these 'Unseelie explorers.' Also love the incorporation of x-acto knives as an improvised sword. Totally would not have thought of that. As an interesting side note they are produced using steel folding techniques similar to those used to make traditional samuri swords so this works on multiple levels. @All At this point I think we'll go the faction road and I'll find a way to make it work irregardless of how many players we get because I don't want to force everyone to choose one faction.