[center][IMG]http://i.imgur.com/iQ4fd67.jpg[/IMG][/center] [center][b]Iaryn The Last Dragon[/b][/center] [b]Premise[/b] The Second Era of Men ended with one of the world’s most dire calamities. A group of arcane practitioners performed a ritual which sundered one of the world’s largest leylines, causing it to erupt from the earth and unleash a maelstrom of power so great that it completely obliterated an entire empire. This catastrophe became known as the Great Sundering, and it has defined the Third Era. As a result of the sundering, the slow death of magic has been hastened. The powers that once fuelled the world are a mere whisper of what they once were. Magi are fewer in number and sadly dwindling, the victims of mageocide, war and abuse of their powers. The seeds of distrust and resentment lain so delicately over the Second Era have blossomed into a garden of hate, fear and hysteria. The influence of magi on the world’s political sphere declines, and as such, magi have little protection against the paranoia of rulers and their subjects. Not only are magi endangered, but all vestiges of the Dawning Age, in their great wonder and splendour, are quickly dying out. Of these, there are the dragons. Once kings of the sky, these fearsome beasts lived in relative harmony during the Dawning Age. Then, they were enslaved, and finally made extinct. Though the last of the dragons perished during the Dawning Age, their spirits persisted. Known as ‘phoenixes’, the souls of dragons were vivacious entities of heat and flame. They embodied passion, anger and vengeance - vengeance for the demise of their kind. In order to achieve this, the phoenixes imbedded themselves in the wombs of pregnant women, and gave birth to pyromancers. The first pyromancers were destructive and feared, but beautiful and passionate. The first pyromancers were incredibly powerful. Historians called them the Dragon Sorcerers. As time passed, and the dragons of the Dawning Age became irrelevant, they became known as Dragons. Over generations, their powers waned, and were easily controlled. However, while his kin found their human hosts quickly (and also rather early), the last of the dragons waited for many, many years. This dragon, the greatest and most powerful of his kind, who, with his dying breath, brought an entire kingdom to ash and ruin, is Ghand. Ghand found himself bonded with a woman named Chare. In the Year 20 of the Third Era, Chare gave birth to the Last Dragon. [b]Story[/b] The Last Dragon’s name is Iaryn Vion. Born and raised in the Queendom of Audya, Iaryn came into his powers when he was 13. His uncle, also a pyromancer, taught him restraint and of the concept of ‘contained destruction’. Iaryn is like the rest of his brethren: he is energetic, fiery and untamed, constantly flickering between ecstasy and anger. On his 21st winter, he fell in love with a man named Calan. The love between Calan and Iaryn was strong, but viewed as a perversion in the northern municipalities of Audya. Calan was beaten, killed, and displayed as a warning to other ‘perverts’. Iaryn then brought the city to the ground in a display of fire and smoke. When he awoke, he remembered nothing, but realised everything. He was apprehended, and brought to the citadel of the white wizards. In Ker Ithryn, his powers were suppressed, and it was revealed to him what he was, what entity raged within him, desperate to free itself. The ABjurer’s Council, the authority of the white wizards, sought to keep him from the world in order to protect the mage community. However, news of what transpired in Audya spread quickly, and forces beyond Ker Ithryn began scheming. Iaryn was a weapon for some, and a danger to others. He was a tool to be used, or a threat to be put down. Ker Ithryn was not a fortress, so it could not withstand a siege should it ever come to that. The archmagi sent Iaryn Vion south, to the city of Dalrenhil, where he would be safe. But he escaped. [b]The Dragonseekers[/b] The archmagi of the Abjurer's Council seek out talented individuals to find and return Iaryn Vion before further catastrophe occurs. This search has transported envoys of the council all across the three continents. You are one of these talents, chosen for your gifts by the white wizards. Such gifts may range from your prowess in battle, or your ability to tap into the very active powers of the world. Whether you are from the north, the south, east or west, or whether you are a master swordsman, a thief of a mage of some esteem, the council requires you to apprehend the Last Dragon. It is a simple enough task, but news of his escape spreads like wildfire, igniting hysteria and, for some, ambition. Others seek out the Last Dragon, but you must get to him first. Ask away! This is a relatively fleshed out world, with room for development. Ask about countries, the story, magic, etc. and I'll be happy to answer. I can get an OOC up soonish if there is enough interest. :)