Far from all the kingdoms was a hidden place called the pound. It was a place where NO demon went unless they had a death wish. Unspeakable things happened in that pound. Mutants made and chaos controlled the place. Till now. The people decided to make a demon a clone of the archangel Gabriel . It was a very big mistake...very big mistake. As the pound finished last of the chemicals into the girls DNA to match that of the archangel her eyes snapped open, something that wasn't so post to happen yet. The synthetic female snarled deeply and with glowing eyes she started to thrash and break things all around her. She let out a wicking shreik and windows broke. The experimenters tried to contain the girl but the small freshly made demon, which was a very rare sight eyes glowed and let out a snarl and her wings came out newly made. She lashed out against some people and made a large mess in the pound. She then broke out, but not all by herself. Along with her broke out some of the most crazy and scary demon monsters known to man. And now on high alert people started to get onto the small radio and started speaking sharply. "Warning to all demons, a very deadly female has escaped the grasp of the pound. We ask if you see a strange female with feathered wings please report that to us" and then it was silent. The girl look twenty years old her eyes glowing a deep green color. She ran around trying to find a hiding spot. She ran into a bar and hides under the bar counter shaking in fear. She curled into a ball and started to cry. She was very scared and very alone. She cried more and more white tears falling from her face. Her large black wings made of pure shadows and feathers curled around her blending her Into the shadows of that bar.